
Seriation activity?

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What is seriation ? I need a activity to teach a child who is in preschool and kindergaten ANY IDEAS?




  1. Seriation: The process of putting things in a series. Putting four rocks in a line, from smallest to biggest is an example of seriation.

    For activity ideas maybe sorting buttons.

  2. Seriation is order... first, second, third, fourth and so on.  It means arranging things in order.  Some great seriation activities include pictures that must be put in order of how they go, such as planting a seed, watering a seed, the seed sprouts, a flower comes out.  Cooking activities depend on seriation for the specific steps that must be taken to make something.  You can't put the cake mix in the oven to bake without putting in the eggs first.  Also, ordering can be done with activities such as lining up to go outside... talk about who is first, second, third, etc. in daily conversations.  Largest to smallest (or vice versa) is also an example of seriation. Check out for some more ideas- I always find stuff on there to use.

  3. My class just concentrated on this activity.  We did a lesson on ocean animals.  We had the children put the sea shells in order from smallest to largest.  During a snow lesson the children made snowballs out of newspapers and stuffed them inside different sized garbage bags.  They then had to work together to determine which snow bags came first, second, third and fourth to build a snowman.  Some children needed to here the words biggest, medium and smallest.  My class is 3 and 4 years old.  They loved building a snowman that doesn't melt.  After the activity we went outside and built a real snowman.  The bag snowman led to the children being creative with details.  They cut, colored, glued and problem solved to add eyes, nose , hat ect.
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