
Series of questions from an aspiring and devoted scriptwriter.?

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Ok, I'm 19 and I'm not going anywhere.

I do have several ideas and I'm convinced that people will like them. Hopefully.

My only problem is...actually I have a lot so I'll just make a list instead.

1) I've been trying to write screenplays since I was 17. But everytime I do, my mind just go stupid. I lose the will to go on and I forget how to write proper english (and I'm not kidding, I really do). I'm a foreigner and english is just my secondary so that might be it but I'm still curious as to whether it's just me or am I actually experiencing a writer's block? any "cure" for this thing? or am I just being lazy and a complete moron?

2) Is it just me or do professional filmmakers hate amateur screenwriters (sometimes I'd like to think I'm handsome too) who are below the age of 20? A friend of mine who's interested in directing and I went to a local film fest. We were still 17 back then and as we were about to sit in an orientation we payed for, everybody just stared at us. ..awkward..




  1. First of all forget your mother-in law!  Your not in love with her!  You just happen to be spending your life with her daughter or son!  You will soon learn that you can not please everyone in life!  So, just work on your self!

    If film is something you want ot pursue then pursue it! When you try to pursue anything within the arts it can be a sturggle.  You'll feel frustrated because the first few things you start to create may not go anywhere.  But, thats ok, because it's all practice!  It's really good that you make your self active within your cities film communitiy!  

    You can also go to any library or book store, they sell film scripts.  Just take a look at them and see how they are written.  Or first, write a short story and then develop that into a screenplay.  Honestly, from personal experience I feel that when you jump into something, like a feature length it is over whelming, especially when you are not familiar with all the tricks of the trade.  Start with a short story that may only last 30 mintues and then turn that into a sript.  You'll see that maybe it will end up longer.

    It also helps developing a story board or a guidline of information that you want to cover from beginning to end.  

    Try taking a journal in your bag everywhere you go.  You'll even if you hear a song in the background that could spark an idea and then before you know you have an idea for a new story!

    For professional practice, look within your local community college or university.  They all offer creative writing and film courses.  If this is something you want to do, now is the time to invest yourself.  If you are only 19 after a few years of practice maybe you'll have your first script.

    Remember to to get your script/screenplay copyright in your name, or you'll have loads of trouble.  You would be surprised how many people will try to steal your ideas.  The film/writing industry is a very competitive world!  And, if you feel more comfortable write in your mother tongue and then try translating that to English!

    Good Luck!

  2. Long answer, short: your script ain't worth diddly until someone agrees to buy it and you have the contract in your hand,, and money in the bank. You are up against hundreds of thousands of other wanna-be's, so relying on this to pay your airfare is like trying to sweep the tide out with a broom.

    Just get the thing written - in your original language if need be - and do NOT submit a first draft to ANYONE you think might buy; they won't. Maybe by the 5th or 6th you *could* have a workable screenplay... but it could be c**p.

    You won't know till you write it.

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