Ok, I'm 19 and I'm not going anywhere.
I do have several ideas and I'm convinced that people will like them. Hopefully.
My only problem is...actually I have a lot so I'll just make a list instead.
1) I've been trying to write screenplays since I was 17. But everytime I do, my mind just go stupid. I lose the will to go on and I forget how to write proper english (and I'm not kidding, I really do). I'm a foreigner and english is just my secondary so that might be it but I'm still curious as to whether it's just me or am I actually experiencing a writer's block? any "cure" for this thing? or am I just being lazy and a complete moron?
2) Is it just me or do professional filmmakers hate amateur screenwriters (sometimes I'd like to think I'm handsome too) who are below the age of 20? A friend of mine who's interested in directing and I went to a local film fest. We were still 17 back then and as we were about to sit in an orientation we payed for, everybody just stared at us. ..awkward..