
Serigraph art?!!?!?!!?!

by Guest56841  |  earlier

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Art like this:

Does ANYONE do this anymore?! I was born in 1986, and don't remember seeing this type of work back then. But last year my aunt gave me this framed picture that is BEAUTIFUL and the type of work that is in that web site I linked, and ever since then, I have been on a MISSION to find someone... ANYONE who does work even REMOTELY close to this. I know it is 80s art, but it is sooooo gorgeous, I just love it! Any links or names of artists would be helpful! Thanks!




  1. lol i remember that stuff. my bro had some portraits and a calendar. i remember going to the mall and seeing Nagel art prints for sale. so 80's. of course people still do serigraphy. but it's a technique. the artwork by Nagel you refer to is his particular style so i don't think people do it because it would be copying.

    the only thing i can think of that may resemble it today would be vector art. sharp clean lines. but usually the artists add more detail.

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