
Serioulsy, what should I do...Im going crazy here!?

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So, I have this friend that is 18. Well, I dont really consider her a friend becuase I really can't stand her. She is uptight all the time, and over eggagerates everything little thing. And, we are just totally different people. Right now we are military wives..she has two kids, and wants another soon, and I still dont have kids yet. Im working on college, and just trying to enjoy life without so much stress. Well, anyway her and her husband are sort of dirty..really. Their house and cars are infested with roaches, and she claims that she got rid of them...even though me and others have seen them still. Everytime they come over we find one or two roaches in our house too! So, my husband has two different jobs right now in the military every other month. One of the months he works with this girls husband.She asked me if they could car pool with us, and we didnt really want to do that because my husbands schedule is different from hers husbands, dont want bugs, and everytime we hang out with them a lot we get into huge fights. So it would be far too complicated. They need to car pool because her husband traded in his truck for a street legal dirt bike. He planned on driving it to work, however he hasn't even taken the classes for it yet, so he cant. She says she needs her only vehicle because she babysits, and she dosnt want to wake up early to bring her husband to work. I understand that it might suck, but I am really tired of having to help her out all of the time, and getting nothing in return exept drama. I really just want to stay away from her. Well, after I told her no she called me again, and I said no once again. (byw-we only have one vehicle too...thats running). So, after I told her NO twice she actually called my husband on his cell phone! My husband then told her no too because he has a later shift than her husband! So, today I guess he had to go in earlier than expected and he ran into her husband! Now they are pissed because we were "lying" to them, and we didnt tell them the truth or whatever.

But, everytime Im honest with her she freaks out on me and she gets into this HUGE fight with me!

I dont know what to do anymore? HELP!




  1. I'll tell you what you should do. Leave that family alone. Her husband is a "Man" he should be more responsible. He rather have a dirt bike than a car for his family,lol What a joke. I would never hang out with infested people btw. Be a strong woman and drop that B***h and your husband shouldn't have a problem. If he does just tell him you don't want to be involed with those people. Trust me no one besides my family will stress me out.

  2. wow I can see why you're going crazy about this. I think you've been doing everything right here you've been honest, and even tried to help them but it seems like they really don't need good friends they need people to latch onto. I would normally say you need to distance yourself from them but from what I understand they don't seem to let that happen. As hard as its going to be you might just have to tell them that you're not interested in maintaining the friendship anymore. goodluck  

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