I've been stressing out a lot this year.
Which caused me to believe that i had 'scabies' when I woke up one morning to feel as if tiny bugs were crawling all over me. I thought i was gonna go insane. I kept "self-diagnosing' myself with one infection after another, after another. This happened for about a month. After i started to feel more calm due to like tree oil baths, creams, etc. the crawling sensations stopped. I noticed that anytime i felt irritated, annoyed, mad, sad, stressed i start to feel a little bit of crawling/tingly sensations and pinpricks, chills, goosebumps, rashes, and trouble breathing. Even people yelling or even my own thoughts gives me those feelings for no reason.
I also get very light headed, dizzy and lose my train of thought very easily now. AND 3 people in my family do have LUPUS (all females: my 2 aunts and my cousins).
I've been starting to freak out about every single thing lately. (ex: what are all these lines on my palms?!? how come it looks like this?!)
I'm not a person for meds. I just want to know how i can control this. I also suffer from agoraphobia as well.