
Serious ANXIETY/PANIC disorder. Im 14. HELPP

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I've been stressing out a lot this year.

Which caused me to believe that i had 'scabies' when I woke up one morning to feel as if tiny bugs were crawling all over me. I thought i was gonna go insane. I kept "self-diagnosing' myself with one infection after another, after another. This happened for about a month. After i started to feel more calm due to like tree oil baths, creams, etc. the crawling sensations stopped. I noticed that anytime i felt irritated, annoyed, mad, sad, stressed i start to feel a little bit of crawling/tingly sensations and pinpricks, chills, goosebumps, rashes, and trouble breathing. Even people yelling or even my own thoughts gives me those feelings for no reason.

I also get very light headed, dizzy and lose my train of thought very easily now. AND 3 people in my family do have LUPUS (all females: my 2 aunts and my cousins).

I've been starting to freak out about every single thing lately. (ex: what are all these lines on my palms?!? how come it looks like this?!)

I'm not a person for meds. I just want to know how i can control this. I also suffer from agoraphobia as well.




  1. I'm so glad I found this site with someone having the same problems as me. I don't feel I'm losing my sanity anymore. I've suspected before though that Splenda was the cause for some of the problems. I quit using it completely now. It's been almost a week since I've had any. The crawling and biting sensations are almost completely gone now. That's the one symptom I could not find a solution or cause for anywhere on the internet except for possible bird mites. I never thought it could be caused from something I was ingesting though. I thought it must be bird mites because my cat used to bring in dead (and living) birds in the house. I started putting a collar on her which stopped that from happening. But now that the symptoms are almost completely gone, I blame it on Splenda. My other symptoms are all going away too. I am so thankful I went off of this dangerous stuff. By the way, Aspartame (Nutrasweet) is just as dangerous if not worse than Splenda. I was on that before and I had all sorts of terrible pains, fatigue and mental symptoms. They went away when I substituted Aspartame for Splenda. But now I have all new symptoms (some of which are very similar). I hope my testimony helps people to get off of this dangerous stuff. The best thing for you is water and natural fruit juices. But every now and then I break down and buy a Diet Coke. I regret when I do though because of the headaches and fatigue I get soon after. I'm still addicted to Diet Coke (I love Diet Rite just as much too) and it is extremely hard for me to break my addiction. But some day very soon I hope to have my last soda.  If you crave soda, drink a regular soda instead of Diet (be careful with the caffeine though). I always had caffeine-free myself. Kool-Aid is fine too. Just limit your intake though.

  2. I am 34 years old and have anxiety and panic disorder. I do take medication to help me through. The very most important thing that you would want to do is to let your mom or dad know. That is very important. From my own experience different people have different feelings when they begin to have an attack. The type of medical therapy is also different for each person. I have read and actually tried some of the following things: the smell of lavender is known to be calming. You can get lavender from your local grocery store, it can be a bubble bath or an oil to a lotion. You can also try to walk or do some yoga. Learn how to breathe and take deep breaths. In with the good out with the bad. Teach your self how to relax. Teach your self how to breathe, but do not try to teach yourself this when you are feeling like you are having an attack. Teach yourself how to breathe when you are not, then that way you can be prepared for when the attack. It is still very important to let mom and dad know or one or the other. You never know, they might be able to help you even more.

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