
Serious Answers Please!!!?

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My 10 week old german shepherd puppy ate my roomate's used condom, she got sick and puked, and didnt feel very well throughout the night.... His ex girlfriend told my girl that she got HPV from him, Can My puppy get HPV from eating this condom? She pooped the condom out earlier this evening.




  1. yeah cuz his sperm was on it ... (gross topic)ask your local vet ... im no expert.. i tried

  2. Take your dog to the vet and kick your roomate out he sounds like an idiot!

  3. Take  your dog to vet to safe and tell you r roommate to put his  condom i the trash good  luck

  4. No your dog is fine

  5. 1. Your roomate is gross.

    2. Your dog can not contract any diseases from it, but she can become very ill if there was any spermicide on the condom, or if any of the latex is still stuff in her stomach or intestines. She may have pooped the condom out, but are you sure all of it came out? You need to make an appointment with your/a vet asap. If your dog shows any strange or unusual behavior such as whining, whimpering, moaning etc. or lack of appetite or an over-active appetite (eating plants/grass etc.) you may need to contact animal poison control or a 24 hr. animal hospital. You should also pay close attention to her stool, urine and make sure she doesn't continue to vomit.

    3. Your roomate may be gross, but it's your responsibility to watch after your dog. I'm sure you would want nothing bad to happen to her. Be careful.

  6. I can't say for sure if your puppy could contract HPV, the thing to find out would be if dogs can contract HPV.  On a medical website someone asked if they could give HIV to their dog if the dog came in contact with their infected blood.  The doctor answered that it would not get HIV because the H stands for HUMAN.  If this is true then it may be fair to say the same for Human Papilloma Virus (HPV).  To be absolutely sure your pup is okay I would contact your vet and ask.

  7. NO. But you should be more concerned about your dog eating things like condoms. Things like that can get stuck in them and will require expensive surgery to remove. A very serious and potentially fatal occurrence.

  8. i think she will be fine but if i was you i would for sure take her to the vet!!

  9. No, HPV is HUMAN Papillomavirus. Human viruses can't be transmitted to dogs just like dog viruses can't be transmitted to humans. Your dog probably got sick from the spermicide on the condom.

  10. Your pup is fine. I promise.

    If you really are concerned, take her to a vet. But if she pooped it out, you are just fine :)

    Puppies cannot contract human diseases... No matter what kind. Ferretts are the only animals that can get sicknesses from humans.

    But really... YOUR DOG IS JUST FINE :)

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