Okay so i am on synphasic, and i have been on it for about 4 months now, and i have been very moody lately and me and my boyfriend got along great before i was on it, but since being on it, i have over reacting over everything and im shocked hes still with me, but we are both guessing that it's the birth control doing this because me eing moody only started happening one month or so after taking the birth control. So im wondering how many girls have gotten moody from birth control? because im not guaranteed that's what it is, im just guessing. But im also thinking about going off birth control for a month to see if i get any better with my moods, so im thinking about finishing this month, stoppin for a month, and of course use codoms, and then start again in a month or so on a new package. Is this healthy?? If not, then is it healthy just to stop for ne month, then going to get a different kind of birth control? Please help. 10 points best answer.