
Serious Crisis of faith?

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I dont want to pray anymore. Or maybe not htat, but for some reason I just cant bring myself to do it, I know that its haram to miss, but I just feel so low. I can harldy think and I feel so sad all the time. For the first time in months, I slept without Isha and now, I dont do qaza if I miss.

I think I'm losing my faith and it scares the heck out of me .

I seriously dont know what to do, i dont think i believe anymore.




  1. You should put more effort and try to overcome satan and try to think of the blessings you have this might strengthen your faith too. Allah will reward you, and try not to do anything you may regret later

  2. Everyone regardless of their religion will at some time in their life have a crisis of faith. All you can do is talk to your local religious leader for guidance, and be patient. God in his own time will provide you with the answer.

    All I can say is that I have been there and with Gods help got through it. I'm a Christian by the way.

  3. You have to fear Allah(swt)!  Remember the death and grave, we have to answer to angle for our deeds!!  

  4. I think you're suffering from depression. You should either visit a counsellor, talk to your local imam or talk to friends.

    We'll pray for you.

    But if you don't believe, there's no-one who can change that except you

  5. then try doing things that will make you closer to god and be a better go read quran and try to understand it more than you have did...make du'a to Allah...and just try reading islamic things...and just say Aootho bellah men alshaitan alrajeem and do your prayers...may Allah help you through it and guide to his path and bless you:D

  6. Satan is heavy on  that s same problem with  

    read 4 kul when you goto sleep in night

    and please don't say that u don't believe any more this is sin  

  7. youve finally realised that there isnt a supernatural space ghost in the sky who can hear your thoughts and act on them to effect a favourable outcome

    you should now read some jean paul sartre

    heres the best reason to read jean paul sartre

    "In 1948, the Roman Catholic Church placed his complete works on the Index of prohibited books."

  8. Looks like you believe that's why you are feeling this way.

    Yes you might be a big ignorant sinner at the moment, and we all human can fall into this trap doesn't mean we are lost for the rest of our lives.  Allah keeps calling us to turn to Him, to repent to Him... and many other reasons.

    Patiently try to imporove.  It'd take time.  It is a great Jihad to fight the nafs.

    Causes Behind the Increase and Decrease of Eemaan

    I just answered this question on repentance;...

    sometimes when i'm weak in faith and reading the meaning of the Qur'aan it doesn't relate to me directly, those times I prefer reading or listening to authentic books, articles and lectures on specific topics that'd benefit me.  so sharing them with you :).

    May Allah strengthen you, guide you, keep you and make it easy on you ameen.  

    Assalaamu aleiki  

  9. This is normal but you should start reading quran and its translation and listen to some molana every day online that will keep your faith strong. And in 1 weeks time ramadan is also starting that will help you also.As your car needs servicing every month,we are human we also need servicing.When you will stop praying then you will start doing more sins. Praying is the only thing which will keep you away from sins.(if you start doing 1 good thing you do more of them and when you do 1 bad thing then you start doing more of bad things.

  10. It's the question to ALLAH

  11. Follow an enlightned religion. The one that emphasises love for Humanity and Gods creation. Not one that wants u to be violent.

  12. Hi, check this site out which might help:

  13. faith in God isnt easy.. dont you think he tests us from time to time.

    Trust in him and pray for him to show you some guidance or answer. You probably are in a hormonal slump and in a bit of drepression at the moment..

    Prayer can be from your heart as well.. just sit quietly somewhere, no noise, meditate and just ask God in your heart to give you the answer to your problems.. He loves us all and wants the best for us.. You will receive that answer.. Be open to accept whatever it might be


  14. Thats Normal Darling ! I havent prayed since last Year and Still My faith is Strong like a rock ! Its Normal ! U will just come over it ! Like i am trying to !

  15. I have been through a similar period in my life. I just got out of Itikaaf and that fajar of eid I was awake but intentionally (although I wanted to)did not read my prayer. All sorts of emotions went through me and by the third day of missing prayers I learnt something important. I realized that for all the years that I prayed, I did it for the wrong reason. I did it because of routine, because I did not want to break my record, because of what people might say etc.

    In this way I learnt about Introspective and self evaluation. To me it is pointless in praying if you do not have firm conviction. Out of all the prayers that I read I think those mattered which I read late at night without anyone knowing. I wanted to talk to Allah alone and I sincerely asked Him for guidence. (Sura Fatiah). I told Him that there were so many religions and each one claimed to be right, I told Him that there were so many different sects each claiming to be right, I told Him that I did not have the knowledge to say who is right and who is wrong and I asked Him in sincerity to please Help me. He did. Not immediately but gradually (years) and not in the way I expected. I whish I could tell you more but it would spoil it for you. It would be like telling you about the movie and then letting you watch it. Coincidently going through the process is far more interesting and stimulating than any movie I watched, or any game I played or for that matter any other activity in my life. I know you cannot compare them but I just wanted to point out that it is deeply fulfilling.

    Do you know that a knowledgable person that spreads his knowledge has a far higher rank than a devout person. (Hadis books - chapter - book of knowledge & first verse of the Holy Quraan that was reveled) Do you know that a wealthy person that spends his wealth in the path of Allah and His Messenger (SAW) also has a higher ranking than a devout person. Do you know that bad deeds with good intentions are good (Sura Khaf - The incident of Moosa (AS) with Kizar (AS)).

    Please do not misunderstand me. Prayer is enjoined on us by Allah and I am not telling you not to do it. All I am saying is that you could improve on the quality of your prayer by introspection, meditation and learning which I think is what you are doing now.

    May Allah Guide you on the path of those that have His Grace. Ameen  

  16. You need to try to get your faith back! Read Quran, and hadiths! Thank Allah for everything he's done for you. I'm 12, and I pray!  

  17. i can just give you some reasons why you might feel what you're feeling right  now and it is you who must find those reasons and handle with them the right way.

    1- Probably you feel low because you kinda strayed from God a little bit.. and it's not necessary to be committing sins to stray from Allah, but you can stray from him by just not thinking about the reason why Allah created you, or why you worship Him, why you pray, fast, ...

    2-  You are put off prayers or obeying Allah because may bethink don't thik about how Allah will reward you and how genorous Allah is.

    3- A thing that could help you is thinking about death and what would you say in your defence  on Judgment Day. also, always remind your self with Paradise and h**l so that you could long for Jannah (keep your eyes on the prize) and fear to go to h**l even for a while.

    4- Get to know Allah better by attending lectures or watching a Good programme that pushes you towards Allah, and that will change your relationship with Allah forever because when you get to know him, you'll love Him and when you love Him you will want to obey him.

    don't you see in movies how a man or woman would do anything for his\her lover just because because of love.. so, what do you say when we're talking here about you loving Allah.

    5-Last.. talk to Allah, tell him that you don't wanna lose your faith and  ask him to help through this crisis.

  18. The longest I did that was three days but then I made them all up late.

    Maybe what it means is that you haven't been making use of salat as a channel to God, even while you were praying. Try to pray dua, like when you are lying in bed before sleep. Or get up early to meditate. In fact, you might need to get some new spiritual angles to get your faith back. You should read the Dhammapada, the Buddhist book. There's nothing in it that contradicts Islam. It talks about simple truths.

    Whenever I have gotten to a crisis of faith, however, what has helped me most is making dhikr with the Sufis. Check out

    They have a really high intellectual, kind, easygoing Sufi community in many cities around the world under Shaykh Fadhlalla Haeri.

    You can also start writing God, or yourself, a letter explaining what's keeping you inwardly constricted from experiencing peace and joy.

  19. I don't offer Salat, but I still pray everynight. Just because I don't offer Salat does not mean I have lost my faith. Don't think you have either. Don't let people make you feel guilty. .  

  20. I've had those moments, sister, don't let go. This is an attack of the shaytan. You know deep down that Islam is the truth, otherwise it wouldn't scare you that you're losing your faith.

    You have to recognize that what you're experiencing is a test from Allah. And when you come out of it, your faith will be double as strong as it was before. There's nothing sweeter than faith. If Allah isn't in your life, then there's no point in living. What are you living for? 6 decades roughly at the most, InshaAllah.

    Focus on your prayer.

    Listen to this khutba by Harun Yahya; Death Resurrection, h**l.

    It breaks things down well.

    Also, The Miracle in the Ant is a good one.

    Harun Yahya is great when you're having a faith crisis.

    Just please don't do anything you'll regret sister, what you're experiencing is absolutely normal. Allah sends us tests and trials in all forms.

    Pleeeease e-mail me if you ever want to talk, you got a whole family here.

    And you can download Harun Yahya MP3 files here.

    A simple lecture can be very inspiring, you can find a lot from many knowledgable scholars here:

    May Allah send you His Guidance and His Mercy.

    May Allah forgive us and stengthen our faith and taqwa.

    <33Your sister, Lamia.

  21. You can easily detect your weakness if you look within yourself.

    Rediscover for yourself the fundamental meaning of prayer.

    In prayer your soul stands unveiled before the Creator ALLAH(SWT).

    Never see prayer as a laborious task that is a sheer waste of time!

    With prayer there is a calmness and peace surrounding you...

    Your spirit and mind is renewed.

    For feeling of comfort and relief, recite this as you go to bed:

    *"Say SubhanALLAH (Glory be to ALLAH) = 33 times.

    *AlHamdulillah (Praise be to ALLAH) = 33 times.

    *Allahu Akbar (Allah is the Greatest) = 34 times."

    May your prayers throughout your life, bring inner happiness, peace of mind, delivering you from distress and life's pressures. Ameen. INSHA'ALLAH(SWT)

  22. I don't think you are losing your faith. I think you are depressed.

    What you are experiencing may have nothing to do with your faith and everything to do with your health. You say that feel low and that you feel sad all the time. I suggest you make an appointment with your doctor and explore why you are feeling so blah.

    So please look after yourself first. The rest will hopefully sort itself out.

  23. Seek refuge with ALLAH and don't listen  to the shaytan.

    Pray to ALLAH to guide you.

  24. Don't look to others for what you should do. Look to yourself, If you can't bring yourself to believe, don't pretend to believe to make others think you do.

    Follow your feelings on this one. If you don't think you believe anymore don't force yourself to keep praying, but don't force yourself not to.

  25. sounds to me that it's time for you to talk with your local Imam... u might not be able to give him ten points. but i'd say he's got the best answer insha'Allah...

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