
Serious Dream Interpreters only...?

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I dreamed that I was at a gas station. I think some lady in the store accused me of owing her two dollars or something. I was sitting my car and then a bunch of black men pushed my car down a hill? I wasn't scared at all. I didn't know that I was dreaming, but I do remember telling myself that I should stay calm so that I could survive this accident?

Serious dream! Any help interpreting it would be greatly appreciated. Thank you for your time




  1. The gas station is the basis of your dream but...need more detail..but if you where out of gas your dream is an omen of opposite,you will be     inspired and imbued with initiative and constructive energy... but the black could block that by me saying bubble bubble  toil in trouble  will be yours also the fact you where accused of theft...start making the right decisions and all will be well

  2. Your dream seem to b e related to your finances ; do you have some worries about your job / Any how ; you will get out of this [stress] with victory

  3. I think it just means that you are indirectly and unconsciously racist.

  4. Almost daily one hears new about robberies at gas stations etc.

    The fact that you told yourself to stay calm in your dream is very positive. Maybe subconsciously you are not comfortable at gas stations and especially around black people.

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