
Serious Q: My friend is bulimic and she told me that she keeps binging and purging?

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but she never seems satisfied so she keeps doing this all day long. I know that she needs to eat a meal bc she is probably starving. She says she is normally satisfied after one b/p cycle but not anymore. She has to continue to do this, which has me worried about her. Is there any way to get her to eat at least one meal? Any suggestions? Any other bulimics that have had this problem and what did you do?




  1. If she is this far along, there isn't anything you could do right now to make her eat right.  She needs professional help, and fast!  Talk to someone, parents, counselors, someone...They can get her the help she needs.  Bulimia causes multiple health problems, including death.  Do not wait!  Good Luck.

  2. Sorry but bulemic people are going to continue to believe that they are fat. If you convince her to eat more she will probaly just purge. If your a real friend you have to tell someone who can help her or in the long run you'll be a bad friend for not doing anything about it. It ruins your insides.

  3. bulimic is where you trow up after you eat,

    anorexcia is where you don't eat at all.

    so wich one is she?

  4. Fallen Angel,

    What a good friend you are to be so concerned about your friend.

    Bulemia is a mental health issue, and your friend will not get better by eating at least one meal. Her whole psyche is now wrapped around the issue of purging after she eats - thinking she is bad if she doesn't.

    Your friend needs serious psychological help - Now!!

    If the two of you are in school, go to the school counselor or school nurse immediately. If you're not in school talk to your parents or her parents.

    Be prepared for her to deny this - this is like an addiction.

    As much as you want to you cannot fix your friend. Bulemics usually need intensive therapy and require inpatient treatment for at least 30 days. Without this they generally die. I have worked with bulemics is the past.


  5. You need to talk to her mother/father. If you're uncomfortable with that, you need to talk to your parents so that they can talk to her parents. She might hate you for a while, but trust me, she'll thank you when it saves her life. Tell someone and force her to get help! Good luck.

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