
Serious Question....No Joking?

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Can i put my 51 year old daughter in the hospital against her will if she is in danger and needs serious help?




  1. If she has a mental problem, I believe you can get appointed as her guardian and do it that way.  If she is ill physically, there is nothing you can do.

  2. 51 yr old daughter? Well if she is a danger to her self then I wouuld contact your local social services department and find oout how to make yourself her legal guardian then yes you could have her commited. I f you can show proof now that she is a danger to herself then your local police department may also be able to help you with commiting her. I wish you the best!

  3. Talk to a lawyer. You may be able to get power of attorney if your daughter is truly in a situation where she's unable to make sound decisions on her own. Power of attorney will allow you to make legal and medical decisions for her.

  4. If there is a reason to commit her you can. Here in Canada we have what is called the Mental Health Act, and it allows friends/loved ones and professionals to "commit" a person to a hospital against their will if certain criteria are met. It depends on the circumstances. I am sure there is something like that in the US (if that's where you are)

  5. If she's not declared mentally incompetent and can make her own decisions, unfortunately you can't.

  6. There is something called a "302" -- having someone admitted to the hospital against their will.

  7. Only if a mental health professional declares them a danger to themselves or others.

    Do you mean 51 or 15?

  8. My cousin attempted suicide and his sister went to the courthouse and filled out papers and had him committed. unfortunately, they only kept him less than one week and it didn't really seem to help him. Its very sad but most of the time-if they don't want help it wont do any good.

    What kind of danger is she in?

    Hope everything is ok. God bless you and your daughter.

  9. YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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