
Serious Question>>> I heard that the water-streets totally smell like urine... ???

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This isn't an attack or criticism about Venice. I've dreamed of going to Venice & being taken on a romantic boat-ride since I was 16 years old... just wouldn't want it to be an unpleasant experience because of a smell.




  1. We heard that too.  That's why we went in the winter.  It was really, really cold, but there was absolutely no smell whatsoever.  Also, it made the gondola ride even more romantic.

  2. That is not true. I went to Venice last month and I didn't smell ANYTHING disgusting. The pigeons were a little irritating, but seeing as how I had never seen one before then, it was an experience. You'll love it, and those so-called "smells" are non-existent. Don't worry.

  3. In Italy the smaller passageways that you can only walk through sometimes smell of Urine, However when I went on the gondola ride it was beautiful the water isn't very clear but it is a lot of fun. If you have seen the Italian Job the water-streets are not near as clear and sometimes even more narrow. anyway your concern about the Gondola ride smelling like Urine it does not.

  4. That is such an urban myth or...legend!!!

    Feel free to go any time you want to!'ll love it!

    Cross my heart! I have friends there.

    If you don't care about....cold, wind, or rain...go during the Carnival!!! it's great!!!

    Search here for + info

  5. I have no idea who told you this, but it's a false statement, I've been there and it's not like that. Yes, often in big European such as Paris or Rome for example, in hot summer days, it might smell like urine if you walk in an alley or something.. but it's not the case for Venice.

    I have been on a gondola ride and it was absolutely beautiful and so romantic! I have only been to France and Italy ( I went twice to Europe) and Venice to me, was the most beautiful city. You can't even describe it in words, it's magical and dreamy... Everyone has to go at least once in their lives!

    Trust me, it will be far from unpleasant, you will not regret on going there EVER...  I hope for you to go some day, because it will be an experience that will be unforgettable!

    I'm not going to tell you that the water is clean, because it's not, far from it... I guess that Venetians never really payed attention to what they threw in it! To give you an idea, I wouldn't take a quick dip in that water even if you paid me 10 000$ !!!! :p But honestly, who cares about that... The water doesn't make the city ugly in any way. Bottom line: you need to experience Venice, it's a must!

  6. I've been there, and it's really not true! go there and enjoy!

  7. Not true..........I have been there.

    Otherwise there would be no tourism

  8. I have been to Venice, in the middle of the summer when temperatures were like 40 degrees C, and I can promise you the streets did not smell of urine even then.

    It's a beautiful city (if a little crowded with tourists), don't worry you won't be disappointed.

  9. I guess that water couldn't be considered holy!

  10. I've actually heard that people throw their garbage in them. If that is true, I wouldn't doubt they smell of urine.

  11. Dude, where do you think the sewers are???

  12. We went there last June and really had a great time.  We stayed in Lido, so we took ferry all the time as well as took gondola ride.  I would not swim in the canal there, but we didn't notice any bad smells at all.

    I recommend going there.  It is almost like Disneyland to me compared to my first time in the 70's.  Because I noticed a bit less locals which is the fact due to Venetians moving out.

    Please see a few pictures below.


  13. ...Venice is one of the most romantic cities in the world.  Now think about this -- would it be considered romantic if it smelled like a toilet?  The Venetians haven't thrown their urine and f***s in the canals since the 16th century.

    Have you seen the Mississippi or the Delaware rivers lately?

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