
Serious Question? .................?

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Yall have been Naging on miley cyrus that she went naked! its a mistaske but Daniel on the other hand sweet innocent Harry potter didnt!




  1. he did it, so people can see him as a mature actor & not just a child actor!..

  2. For the people that say little kids look up to her...those kids should be looking up to their parents. Disney does not build stars, they build EMPIRES!!! They do all they have to do to get money. They are not concerned with the children's well being. She wanted the world to see her as a "big girl" she is a high school student (9th-12th grade). She needs guidance not negative criticism. Don't you remember those kids in high school that were there to have fun...well she just might be one of those kids. This same stuff happens in college, trust me.

  3. Yea, well he isn't looked up to by little girls who watch her show: Hannah Montana!

  4. Soo Miley's is a mistake but daniel's isn't.. THAT makes a ton of sense.

    Miley is 15.

    Daniel is 19.

    Daniel is an adult.

    Miley is barely a teenager.

    you figure it out.

  5. What is the question?  Do you love Jesus?

  6. Daniel's 19 and doesn't work for Disney. Miley's 15

  7. so he's a boy and he's 19 so he can do what he wants.

    miley is 15 and with disney and has little kids who look up to her. she's a girl and ppl will call her a ****, no one's gonna call daniel a ****. he's old enuff to do that. miley just annoys ppl. i mean i dont think shes a **** but she has kids who look up to her and she works for disney. she should know better. and they have absolutely nothing to do with each other.

  8. well its different. miley took racy pics (which werent that awful, but whatever) and daniel radcliffe went nude on stage for a play. plus, daniel is 18+.. miley is 15.

  9. daniels like 18 or 19 and he doesnt work for disney

    and who cares about da

    Miley gt loads of lil girls who look up 2 her shes a bad example

    think about da loser

  10. You have to look at society in general. It's unfair, but there's more of an emphasis on females to be the perfect rolemodels and to have squeaky clean images. It's a lot tougher for women in general, not just Hollywood. A man can walk out of his home without a shirt on and that's perfectly normal. If a woman did the same she'd be branded a w***e. It's a double-edged sword.

    As for Miley, I can't really stand her for the simple fact that she used her one-hit wonder father to be a star. Miley may look untouchable right now but it's not going to last. Right now she's at her peak. She peaked at 15 years old. Now, she won't be employed by Disney forever but there's only so much she can do at her age to break away from her Disney image. The world knows her by two names, she's doing tv, movies, and music. To me, that's dangerous and what could possibly lead to career suicide down the road. She's saturating the media. I mean, look at how she's loved and hated at the same time. You mean to tell me people are going to like her when she's a legal adult and doesn't have Disney to support her in the not-so-distant future?

    I admire Britney Spears (yes, you read that right), she did it right. Love her or hate her, she became famous on her own. She didn't have famous relatives to pull strings for her. She had to work her tail off. She's had a rough two years, but she's an icon. If she were to retire today she'd still have a legacy. She became famous because of one thing in particular. Her music. Her music wouldn't be successful if it weren't good. People will say all they want about her singing ability or lack-their-of (look her up on youtube "acapella" and you'll know she has a unique and good voice). Where am I getting at? Well, she used one entertainment outlet to become famous, and that's the music industry. Miley is trying to make it in all three. People are going to get tired of her much quicker than someone who chose one outlet. Because down the line Miley isn't going to be able to please everyone at once. She'll either have a singing career or be an actress. No matter what she becomes she'll disappoint fans for not choosing one or the other, or both. Her audience is going to grow up. Britney wasn't making fun of her competitors on the internet and then denying it later when she became famous. She wasn't rude, and she wasn't immature at her age. Britney had professionalism back in 1998 that Miley will never have this year or beyond. I don't get the Miley hype. I really don't. Than again I'm not 12 years old.  Not to sound mean but the girl looks like a beaver and people are saying she's hot? I'll take "fat" and frumpy Britney Spears any day over pre-pre-packaged Miley Cyrus.

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