
Serious Question............... ?

by Guest64101  |  earlier

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Do you think the use of steroids is not taken as seriously as it should be in the world of wrestling .... the risks out weigh the benefits... , yet no one seems to complain about it , whats your view on this




  1. are you angry bitter? has someone winded you up *****?

  2. I think it's finally starting to change as we see guys like CM Punk and Edge become the focal points of their shows.  The need for big, towering wrestlers seems to be diminishing and the requirement of athleticism seems to be the new fad with guys like Kingston and Benjamin.

  3. Steroids are a personal choice by the wrestlers. That's their decision not the wrestling promoters.

    You're not forced to take steroids.

    I don't see the need for anyone to thumb me down, look I agree that steroids are a problem, but the wrestlers are tested. And like i said you're not forced to take steroids.

    I'm sure there's times where you are given the suggestion to buff up, but they're not putting a gun to your head and making you take them. It's up to you.

  4. Yes you are right but I also agree with James. Vince made CM Punk champ for a reason. Punk obviously is not a huge roided up guy but he is talented and draws fans. Guys like Shelton Benjamin and Kofi Kingston are athletic without the use of roids. There are still big wrestlers like Kane,JBL and Undertaker who do not need steroids to make it in the business.

  5. Wrestler make That Choice.

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