I asked 4 an auto-insurance quote & this guy's been persistent. Is he a go-getter, interested in me or a nutjob? 1st, he e-maild saying he got my request. Next day, he calls 2 introduce himself. We chatted 20 min. on everything from the Superbowl 2 weather. I learn his office is in my town, where he lives, that he's young & a self-described go getter. It was a pleasant call. The next day he followed with a "was nice to speak with you" email. The day after that he emaild a quote. The day after that he emaild a quote on renters insurance. The day after that he called and sent an email apologizing for calling at a bad time. The next day he called again & I reitterated how i was just looking. The next day, he mailed me quote copies. He emaild today saying he's "on his hands & knees begging to service my insurance needs." I replied saying I'd was ill, but would contact him 2 set up a mtg later on. He emaild he looked 4ward to mtg face to face, advised me about the weather & signed it "Me."