10-13 year olds.
-Nowadays, i see lots of tweens talking about "love" and saying things like "should i break up with him/he's cheating on me". And listening to crappy music and wearing all this make-up. And saying "you're so cute" to people who are older then them!
-I hang out with my friends, and they have there tween siblings and we hang out with them, and that's alllll they talk about.
-Also, what's up with all the electronics and hot phones? Seriously, do they need that? I mean, yeah kind of, but I'm talking about $200+ electronics and touch screen phones with navigation and all that other useless apps for kids.
-And then music with f*kced up lyrics; s*x/drugs/money. When I'm at the store, i see at least 2 tweens walking with an iPod and singing-along with those lyrics.
Why is this happening? Is it just them individually, or are they trying to be with the in-crowd?
(I'm just wondering because it's just really weird and very very ANNOYING when you see all these tweens talking about love and all this other stuff right in front of your face everyday)