
Serious Women Only....?

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I have always had irregular periods. My hubby and I are ttc #2. I have all symptoms of pregnancy, but a neg hpt. I've had cramping like I'm going to start my period, but nothing. Sore b***s, heart burn, backache, headaches, tiredness, and moodiness. My question is has anyone ever had this happen and what was the cause? Do you know the signs or symptoms of endometriosis or pcos? Thanks for all serious answers. Please don't answer see a dr because I have an appt in 1 week.




  1. I have PCOS and have been dealing with it for almost 3 years. After my third M/c I decided to do some research online, only to find out that I needed to talk to my doc about PCOS she did some blood work and it came back that I indeed have PCOS. I am now trying for #4 and am waiting, not so patiently to find out. Anyways there can be lots of different reasons why you are "feeling" pregnant, some women obviously want it so bad they make themselves feel it, some women have an increase in hormones right before a period, it just differs, you should def talk to your doc, but also ask him/her about those different things. I know for me I am insulin resistant and have other physical signs of PCOS. Theres a lot of resources online that can help, I know I went crazy after being dx! Good Luck and baby dust!!

  2. My period was late and I was having cramps like I was going to start my period and I was very tired. But all of my pregnancy tests came back negative. I made an appointment with my doctor. He did an ultrasound and I was 7 weeks pregnant. (Sometimes those home pregnancy tests just don't work).

    As for symptoms of endometriosis: It depends on how serious your condition is. I have severe endometriosis. My symptoms were numerous ovarian cysts. I had severe, stabbing, worse-than-contractions-and-stop-what-yo... pain during my period. I had no symptoms throughout the rest of the month though.

  3. wait a couple days and test again! i tested 5 days before af and it was neg then again 3 days before and got a positive.

  4. You might be preggers!! my friend had a lot of heart burn and moodiness.But too be sure test in a couple days. good luck

  5. yea, it happends. I thought i was pregnant last year because of the same thing your going through, and my chest ended up hearting and looking like a road map, it was horrible. Well, turns out i wasn't pregnant, and I have no reason why that even happend. I dont know much about endometriosis, but i do have pcos.


    -irregular periods

    -possible infertility

    -hair growth on plases there shouldn't be hair on a woman

    - cysts

    - sometimes your hormones could be outa wack.

    anyway, good luck and i wish you nothing but the best. Maybe you can test in another week or so and it may come out +

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