
Serious answers: FOR THE VIET GUYS:?

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this might sound a little out of hand but i am serious and i hope that im not being insincere or offend anyone in anyway and im also curious because i know the some cultures do this but im not so sure about vietnamese people. im far too embarassed to ask my brother and it feels wrong for me to ask him but anyways, are vietnamese guys circumcised or is it only some?

p.s i put this in the travel "vietnam" category because i only want viet guys to answer this or if anyone knows please let me know. thanks




  1. That's a very bold question to ask, Maria_Viet_Beauty. But, since you've asked, what the heck, here's my answer:

    I agree 100% w/ Ong Jon's answer: Some are, most aren't.

    Those who've circumcision have it done just for personal 'sanitary' reason ? And for better 'sensation' while 'doing' it ?  It's got nothing to do w/ relegion @ all.

    Well, there you have it ! Hope it satisfied your curiosity.

  2. I am not Vietnamese, but most of my friends are and most of them are native ( born and/or live in vn) and i have asked me few and all of them said it is verry uncommon for it to be done.

  3. some are, most are dung bi "muc co"[ i hope i spelled that right]

                                         "miss dont be shy" i must have spelled it wrong.. i think "muc co " or "ma kho"  might be slang for shy... its not in my dictionary.... maybe you can give me the correct spelling.

  4. i doubt if you will get answers from vietcongs...

    i guess religion has something to do with circumcision...if he is muslim or christian he is clean but hindu or something else, chances are the smegma is kept all their lives.

  5. Well... I think few Vietnamese guys do that... haha... Why do you wanna know about that? (just curious)

    Ong jon... mắc cỡ = embarrassed

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