
Serious answers plz : have u ever seen or felt ghosts or any paranormal sights ??

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science has advanced... but we all have to agree that it cannot answer all our queries !! one of the biggest query s the paranormal ... i hav seen and felt ghosts n stuffs around me ( im 17 now) but its true...i believe datt these things really exists in reality ... but how many of u thnk the same way ??

if u hav encountered any such thngs plz share ur experience wid me.... and if u dont believe in such thngs then giv me reasons for ur disbeliefs!!

im eagerly waiting for all the answers !!!!!!




  1. I believe in them, I've seen and felt souls all my life.  I have no scientific evidence for it, just what I feel and know to be true.  To me they're real.

    Blessed be

  2. Yes, of course my dear. I posted somewhere on this site  I have a d**n jinn visiting me at odd times but it don't bother me non only when it tries to fondle me at the most sensitive part, see ? May I ask you was it because of some horny- torny ghost, jin or demon that happen to prey open your..well, you know what...that made you become afraid but fired you up making you interested  to seek answers about them bloody the Dark Shadows...?

  3. I think some people can "shine" more than others- some are more open to experience more.  I would love to have some kind of experience with that- but I never have.  I just dont think I "shine" much.  But I believe that people do.  I do however, fell the presence of my guardian angel from time to time.  I cant explainit except that I know he is there and I have always felt him near.

  4. I don't believe in ghosts persay, but spirits of my loved ones. I have "seen" my grandmother 2 times and felt her presence 1 time. Back in 1960 after she had passed away, my husband had to have surgery. I had never had to be alone at night. The first night I lay in bed, scared and worried. I was staring at the doorway, when suddenly a shape formed and though it was dark, I could make out the blue plaid robe! I wasn't afraid at that moment and as I stared it faded away. I felt a peace and calmness I hadn't had and went to sleep. I was alone for 2 more nights. The second time was when I had a car wreck. My car was slammed into close to a steep imbankment. As my car begin to roll, I jumped out and tried to hold on to the door but suddenly I was "thrown" to the side! The police later said if I had held on I would have been dragged under the car. I know that was my Grandmother, as my angel who saved me. The 3rd time was a repeat of first after we had moved. Strange house and husband had to go to work, on night shift. Scared but again, in bed staring at doorway, blue plaid robe. You see she always wore that robe! So yes I do believe in Spirits. Another unusual thing that happened to me to know there are angels or paranormal happenings was in 1996. We were driving to see my  sick brother. We were getting hungry and there was only the long  dark road ahead, no sign of any place to eat. I was Praying as I usually do just speaking aloud and said Lord, please we are starving. Show us a place any kind. Throw it up on the side of the road! We went over a hill and down at the end on a curve blazed a sign! "Carol's Diner" well, that was it! My name is Carol! We went in and had the best food, it was such a quiet place, even though there were people  it felt like we were in the Twilight Zone! I remarked to waiter that my name was Carol! He didn't seem surprised at all. Later when I told my relatives, they said there was only a gas station and liqour store there. But that night God provided a Diner! sorry this was so long but you wanted reasons.

  5. When my grandmother was still alive, my sister and I would go over to her house and spend the nights on weekends. The freaky thing was... her house was haunted...

    It started years ago. My mother as a child noticed strange things happening to her. At night, someone would pull as her feet, yank the blankets off of her. My grandmother paid no attention to my mothers wild stories until one night she saw a little boy looking through the window at her. He wasn't outside.. it was more like a reflection. When she turned around, no one was there.

    As my grandmother's children grew up and moved out, my sister and I would go and spend the night. We each had our separate rooms but sometimes I would go into my sisters room and we would play dolls or something before we went to sleep. (Mind you, we were around ten and eleven at this time.) On these nights, I would stay in my sisters room and we would talk before laying down for the night. But strangley, I could not sleep in that room with her. It was as though someone was telling me to leave. There would be three knocks on the wall - tap, tap, tap... At first we ignored them, taking them for an animal or a critter in the walls. But ten minutes or so surpassed and the knocking returned, this time more persistent - TAP, TAP, TAP... Once again, we ignored it and once again the knock came. Finally, I left the room and went to my own. Every night my sister and I tried to sleep in that same room together, the knocking would persist until one of us left.

    Aside from the knocking, another fear plagued my mind. I would have extreme nightmares about the closet in that room. The nightmare was about a woman who would try to drag me into the closet to kill me. The strange part... she was invisible - I couldn't see her. How I know it is a woman, I don't know. When I have this dream, it is extremely difficult for me to wake up. When I finally do, it is very hard for me to breathe, hard for me to move. My mind is foggy and when I try to call out for someone, I cannot speak.

    ....To this day, I will not go into that bedroom. I haven't set foot into that room in over six years...

    Recently, my aunt and uncle moved into my grandmothers old house. They lived there for a year before they started feeling any odd things. My uncle ignored them - he was used to them happening in this house due to the fact that he had grown up here after all! But my aunt was uncertain that she was even sane. She witnessed hazy appartitions flitting back and forth between rooms, objects moved, lights flickering. Eventually, she grew used to it. Then one night, as she was making dinner, she casually glanced up into the picture across the room and saw the thing in their home. She stared at the figure... a woman, just the same as in my nightmares.

    Recently, I posted this story on another question someone had. They wrote to me claiming to be psychic and told me that a husband and wife with two children used to live in my grandmothers house. They told the story of how the man died in a tragic accident and the wife went insane with grief, shooting her two children before turning the gun on herself in the every closet that she escapes in my nightmares. If this is true, I do not know. But the strange fact remains... something still resides in my grandmothers house....

  6. nope... don't believe in the unbelievable

  7. If ghosts n stuffs exist , then god exist as well. There are plenty of information on youtube they do not exist.

    I had a weird experience which is i've fallen asleep and waking up suddenly with echos and terrible noises around me.I can see whats going on around me but i couldnt move nor speak. I manage to force myself out of it later and this whole experience sux.

    There is a scientific explanation to it and im atheist btw.

  8. I have seen shadows in the ladie's restroom where I work and heard boots walking across the floor when no one was there. There is a lot of paranormal things that go on all around us. I actually have a picture taken at work that has an image of a lady in the picture. I have a ghost at home that moves chairs and walks around all the time.(you can hear the footsteps)

  9. Personally, no, I have not had these experiences.

    True, science cannot answer every question, but that presupposes that there is a question to be answered. Despite my interest in the subject, I have not found any evidence for paranormal activity which both stands up to scientific scrutiny and does not have a natural explanation. Therefore, there is no question to ask.

  10. Yes, In fact I used to do a LOT of evp recordings back then. I caught a lot of things that I couldn't explain and some were down right creepy to where I hardly do it anymore. I do believe there are such things as ghosts in this world, but that's my opinion. I did have events where I saw and heard a figure walk into my home in broad daylight.

    I go in and check to see who it is, but of course nobody is there. Strange, since it all took place a few feet in front of me. Heh, but that's just my stories and I can't really prove they exist.

    Like I said, I do believe there are such things in this world.

  11. I don't believe in ghosts.I think it's all your imaginations. when you are alone in somewhere you become nervous and thinking about stupid,fabricated stories made up by people. But i believe there are evil spirits around us which try to attack us. Do you believe in God and Bible?? So pray when you feel something around you!!

    Take care.

  12. Yes, on a couple of occasions. Once I went against all the rules and opened the ouija alone in my apartment. I also felt a great sadness while the ouija was open and I felt that the presence wanted to cause me harm. After a few minutes the lights went out and fire flew out of the light switch, causing the wall to catch fire. Coincidence?

    The other time was at Gettysburg battlefield. My friend and I were visiting the historical area and were walking around reflecting on the carnage that happened there, all the men who died. It was a foggy evening and it had been raining earlier that day, leaving the ground soft and squishy. We could see our footprints in the soil. In the distance we saw a few people dressed in blue and gray uniforms walking in a column. I thought Cool, re-enactment, let's go see.

    There were no footprints in the dirt from the column and there was no re-enactment scheduled for that day.

  13. I went with a friend once to a huge military graveyard, it is a very well known one here in Tennessee, on the way to Ft.Campbell but the name escapes me at the moment....

    We got out of the car, and when I walked up there and began to look at a couple headstones, I was totally overwhelmed with this feeling of grief and wanted to start crying for no reason at all....Like you could feel the mass amount of energy from there, these are old graves. I wasn't sad because we were there, it was like a rush of grief, like their spirits/energy was causing....I had to get out of there. It was overwhelming....

    I wasn't spooked being there, know what I am trying to say?

  14. yes, i have felt ghosts and i am psychic. this sort of thing comes natural. i am a normal teenager though. but seeing ghosts is normal. i feel hear and interact and see them. so if you have any question im me. thanks.

  15. Yes, I do believe in ghosts or spirits. While, I have only actually seen one ghost, I have had numerous encounters with 2 others.

             The first, I used to live in a house, it wasnt very old, 50 years, and there was only one couple that had built it and lived there. So, the only way I can explain the presesnce is, I lived in a railraod town and on the land this house is on was where the railraod workers, the ones who laid the track, lived in shanty/tent towns, as they built the track. Alot of people died from injuries while the tracks were laid. Thats teh only reason I can think off as to why there would be a ghost in this house. But onto this ghost. I never actually saw him. I dont know why its a him, it just is. But, whe I would be laying in my bed at night I would feel someone/something lay down next to me. Like I could feel them sit down and move their feet onto the bed and than lay their head down. I was ten when we first oved in and the first few times I thought it was my little sister scared of a new house, but it continued for the 8 years we lived there.  I still cant explain what it was, but it happened about once a month.

                Second, was in the same house. My mother's boyfriend died from an accidental overdose of morphine. About a week after he died, I came out of my bedroom and I saw him walking into their room from the hallway. He had a twin brother and I thought it was him, so I went into the bedrooom and no one was their, I later asked the brother and he was not their that day. It was weird because the ghost was wearing the same thing he always wore, a white teeshirt, levi jeans and a pair of old workboots, exactly like his down to teh grout on them, (he was a tile layer person) coincidentally it was also the outfit he was cremeated in.

            Third, I moved outta that house and into a rental with my boyfriend, now husband, and a friend. It was built in the 30's but I dont think that had anything to do with it. The first night we moved in I was home alone because they both worked the 4-midnight shift. I was sitting on the couch with a clear view straight back to the back door. It was about 11 and I hear the back door screen door open.  It sqeeked so knew that was what it was. I looked up thinking maybe one of them was home early, and I watched and heard the lock click, the door opened and then shut and the lock clicked back into the locked position. My mom lived about two blocks away so I left a note saying this place was haunted, I was at my moms they could come get me, and I left for the night. Other wierd things happened in that house, never like that, but just little things. Someone/thing would bang on the living room window and not even two seconds later, another window in the house, then another, no ne could have got around the house that fast. Voices would say things, usually our names, and we'd get up and go into the other persons bedroom and ask what they had wanted and they'd say I never said anything.  Once, another firned was over and I was sittting outside, he came out an dasked me what I wanted, why did I call for him?? I hadnt called for him. Once I was in the bathroom , which was between the two bedrooms you know connected, and I heard my roomate coughing like terrible, I knocked on his door and asked if he was laright and got no answer, so I went into the living room with the intent of going to his bedroom door and asking if he was okay, and there he was laying on the couch, I asked if he was chocking and he looked at me funny, and said he hadnt coughed, so i asked if he was just in his room and he said no. we all had little encounters, so no one made fun of anyone else about it, it was jsut weird.......well those are my stories, nothing to interesting but all true as I know it.

  16. Yeah I used to feel ghosts or just general spookiness like at old abandoned grave sites, or 'haunted houses' of people that were murdered and c**p like that, but that was when I was younger and could spook myself out about it.  It's all in your head.

  17. Science has indeed advanced.  And when it does, the beliefs based on ignorance retreat.  Ghosts, spirits, witches, demons, etc. used to be taken for granted as being around us.  Now science has shown us that no such things exist.  Or rather, those who claim ghosts are real have shown us no evidence that such things exist.  It's a persistent rumor based on vivid imagination, cultural iconography, suggestibility and fantasy-prone personalities.  How else would you explain the metamorphosis of ghosts through time?  They have changed because the creatures who invented them have changed.

    Oh, and it's called "paranormal" not because science can't explain it but because it's a group of "phenomena" whose only shared characteristic is a total disregard for the laws of the universe.

  18. hmmmm, no.   when i was in highschool, my friends and i thought we were seeing a UFO.   it turned out to be a blimp with a digital billboard.   i believe in ghosts though.   i would like to see one, but not one of the angry ones.

  19. Once when I was really young I came face to face with a gnome, about 18" tall. He wanted some soup. I said I didn't have any and he ran away.

  20. if you are really interested, feel free to email me.mainstream media would explain my skills as a psychic medium. i can easily privately explain what you call paranormal, and possibly help you with your connections. xo

  21. I can feel death...Strange? I believe it is...My family thinks I am a natural witch...When a person comes up missing on the news I can sense weather they are dead or not...At times I can sense where their bodies are...Camille Cleaverly, I knew she fell and was in shock that she did and felt angry at herself for even taking a stupid step that lead to her death...Lori Hacking, I knew where they would find her body and who killed her and why...and knew there was rage and anger involved...Elizabeth Smart...I knew she was alive and knew who she was with...

    These feelings I get are scary to me because well for 1...I am afraid I will one time fail and look like a fool...Although I have NEVER failed or made a error as of yet...2. I have lost friends over all this because to them I am too weird or scary...3...It is horrible to feel death...

    I have a group on yahoo that has some of my experiences...If you want a add just let me know so you can read them...

    I have also spoken with my father who passed away when I was 15...He was asking me for my forgiveness for the abuse I got from him when he was alive...That experience too is in my group...

    I know things like these happens...I have personal experiences as well as stories from my family...My daughter also has my so called "GIFT" to a point...I wouldn't be surprised to find my grandbabies to have them too when they are old enough to realize it...

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