
Serious answers <span title="PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!?">PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!...</span>

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okay. I have some sort of lying problem that started a few years ago, and I can't seem to STOP.Yesterday i tell myself I AM NOT GOING TO LYE TOMMOROW. And today I Keep on lying... What can I do to solve this???? SERIOUS ANSWERS PLZ. and i'm in middle school,

God bless,

go green




  1. are you sure what your telling us now is not a lie?

    my sujestion is to tell everyone you lied to what you lied about it will make you self aware of what your doing and you will reflect what your doing. try it, i once had lieing problems too once i told everyone, they stoped.

    P.S this is not a lie xP

  2. is your name nicole?lol na but, i think u should go to a sychologyst, that is the best answer i can give u...i cANT help u because this is a serious problem, and if u dont get help u might loose ur friends.

  3. its all phycological you need to trick your body into not lying such as lye to your self the day before and say i am going to lye tomorrow so you wont or some other way to trick yourself

  4. tell some one!!!!! they&#039;ll help u and they&#039;ll give u some knid of method to help u or something. it&#039;s not good thing to lie u know? it&#039;s a sin.  that&#039;s y u need to tell some one and DONT LIE ABOUT IT!!!!!

  5. There are various reasons people lie, but the most common is they are desperate to be liked. Well, you&#039;re overdoing it. Accept yourself and don&#039;t be so desperate for acceptance from others. See a school counselor or call you local mental health office.


  6. compulsive liar huh?

    make urslef a bet... this is what i do when i try to stop a habit...

    bet something like if u only lie 5 times a day and bring it down to one and eventually none...

    im sorry if this didnt help...

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