
Serious apprehension & depression : I can't stop!!!?

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Okay, so I leave for college tomorrow, and I today I just felt like I'd like I'd NEVER BE HAPPY....AGAIN!

I cried all day....and a lot of factors weighing on me : 1-My math class is online, and I really struggled with an online math class in high school. I think I have a phobia of online math and I'm frightened of it, 2-I don't know what to expect, and I'm afraid that I'm inadequate, along with my studying habits, 3-I'm worried about my mom and dad because they take a lot of medicine, and I'm concerned for their health and well-being, 4-I have an uncle who was in a devastating car accident with an 18 wheeler tractor trailer long distance truck that resulted in a serious brain injury.

The college that I'm going to is like two hours from home, and people keep telling me that college will be the best four years of my life.

But how can it be the best four years of my life when I have all of this stress weighing on my shoulders?

Because of everything that's going on, I don't feel that I'll be able to perform well academically. I'm scared out of my mind with nervousness and anxiety, but I don't want to react in a way that could seriously damage me and my future. I don't want to have a nervous breakdown with all of this crying, but I feel that I need to get it out now before classes start.

Can anyone help me in this time of crisis?




  1. You are not alone.  It sounds like this is your first time really away from home.  The concerns for your family, wondering if you will measure up, the distance from home, are all normal concerns.  Leaving for college is a bittersweet time for you and your family.  You are supposed to feel anxious, apprehensive.  You really are normal.  But this is what you are supposed to do.  You have to leave the nest and venture out on your own.  You can care about your family and call them, e-mail them, write them, but you will drive yourself crazy if you begin to incessantly worry about what they are doing every hour.  Your presence or absence from them will not change destiny.  It is time for you to start your life.  I know it's scary.  Everything and everyone is new.  I felt just like you.  Some parts of college are rough, and many, many things are just the best!  You have some exciting times waiting for you in the next few weeks and months.  Embrace this new adventure, and look at it as such.  You are going to be great!  And 2 hours is not very far from home (I was 90 minutes from home).  It's OK to cry.  Once you get to college, walk around campus and town and get to know the area, maybe find a bookstore, restaurant, etc. that you want to explore.  Good luck to you.  College will be some of the best times of your life--I promise! :)  

  2. My daughter had a similar experience and I told her that starting college was like starting a new phase of her life.  She didn't want to go but we asked her to give it a try.  She did.  She called home a lot and we knew she was trying hard.  But, after a month she asked to come home.  The following year she went back and was very successful.  My suggestion would be to give it your best effort.  Good luck.

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