
Serious authors and character writers only. Girls and Guys?

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Your a captain. You have a sword, it can have any ability technique or power. What would you chose?? And describe what the sword looks like. THX

It cant be god like. But it can be super powerful.




  1. the sword has the ability to make them go so insane and crazy by making them relive their worst ngihtmare that they eventually kill themselves. a long silver sword with blue flame no writing on it

  2. A laser sword. I know, not very original but definitely the best. And possible.

  3. How about something like the Tensega from the Inuyasha series?

    The ability to raise the dead with one swipe? But useless in battle?

  4. A sword that has been made from a diamod. A shining hard one that couldn't be broken. It could kill a man in just a touch.

  5. What does being a captain have to do with having a sword? And captain of what? Why didn't you just say that you have a sword, describe it and what its abilities are?

    Now, for the answer: If I had to carry a sword, it would be a scimitar, very long, with a large curve in the broad part of the sword. The handle would be made out of rosewood, which is a rose color with blond streaks in it, marble looking. The blade would be lightweight and very sharp. It's special abilities depend upon the user. If the person is a good swordsman, then the sword carries the power to do the person's will; however, if the person who carries the sword is still learning how to use the sword, then the ability of the sword is to teach the user to become good. And as an added "glitch" the sword carries a strict moral character, thus it cannot be used for evil.  

  6. Maybe the sword is an ancient made sword that once taken from its sheath ( I think that's the correct term) it must kill something before it can be returned. Or the owner of the sword will die from the poison in th handle or something like that.

    The sword will be silver and lightweight. It has a green glowing substance in the handle that carries the posion, and once in its sheth the poison stops glowing

    It could have acient writing that says "Kill or be killed"

  7. It should be unbreakable, never become blunt, and the grip should be very comfortable, and the sword should be very easy to swing {i.e., i should not get tired easily while fighting with it}.

    It should be grey coloured, with blue light glinting off it. And a medium sized sapphire gemstone on the pommel. And the sheath should have the carving of a dragon on it.

    Hope that helps!!!

  8. SORRY! I kinda wrote a story.... but I described the power and the appearance of the sword within it! sorry again...

    The sun burned down from the highest point in the sky; scorching everything laying beneath it. And just like myself, the metal in my hand was burning. The sun glinted off the edge of the long, narrow blade, temporarily blinding me.

    My feet moved forward, almost an automatic movement now. I was not willing them to more forward, I was too exhausted. They walked forward, each step stomping down on the hard packed earth, on their own accord.

    My sword was no help now, it was just another burden I had to carry.

    But I was almost there. One foot after the other, I finally made it. I slumped to the ground under the shady pine tree with a thud. How far could a stupid meadow last? I had been walking for hours, this being the only time I stopped.

    When I had stepped into the grassy plain, I had understood it would be a long walk to the other side, the horizon had stretched on without a tree or place to rest in sight, but I hadn't thought it would be this far.

    Plus I had my sword with me. I glanced down at the shiny object, no longer blinding under the late-summer sun.

    The long blade was sharp and narrow, perfectly balanced. The handle was not ornate, just a simple silver to match the rest of it. It looked plain and ordinary at first glance, nobody would guess what it was capable of. The thought made me laugh, an off sound in this l empty plain.

    In fact, the longer you looked at it, the more it grew on you. The sword, my sword, was beautiful. The blade had a strange tint to it, a dark blue that ran around the edges. The color was almost completely gone, I had used up all of it's energy. But still, for somebody who knew what they were looking for, you could see it.

    A single cresent shaped blue gem was embedded at the top of the handle.

    But the sword was still hot from the sun, and it burned my hand. I carefully set it beside me, and rolled over to my back. Not that long later, I was unconscious.

    I woke up to the blaring sound of crickets. They were coming from everywhere! Carefully, I sat up, and instantly regretted it. Groaning, I took in the millions of small kinks and knots all down my back and neck.

    Over to my side was my sword. I smiled. The once almost completely silver sword was now glowing a bright blue; it was a full moon tonight.

    I was sure that the feild couldnt stretch on much longer, and the energy the sword absorbed tonight (and was still absorbing) would keep me going at least half the following day. It gave out about six hours of energy on a night like this. I could make it.

    I grabbed my sword by the handle and instantly felt powerful. Standing up, I stretched out my now warm and nimble muscles and sighed.

    It was a wonder nobody had realised the powers of this sword yet, especcially with all the young wanna-be-warriors I trained.

    I was lucky to have it. I walked out into the lightly-lit meadow. I heard crickets about three feet in every direction stop singing and the light flutter as some type of bird flew by.

    It was time to get back to my city, to protect it just like many men before me had done.

    I continued to step forward, my sword safely at my side.

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