I had a slightly over 2 year old betta die about a month ago from dropsy. I cleaned out his tank, and let everything sit & dry. About a week after he died, I got a new betta. I used all new everything except for the filter & heater. The betta was doing great, and after about a week I bought him a live plant that had snails on it. A couple weeks after that, my new betta gets dropsy. He's had it for a few days now, and hasn't died. I've treated his water, but I'm scared that doing that is making him live longer, but not ultimately get better. I don't know what to do. I feel horrible because I've sentenced him to death, either by not properly cleaning the filter & heater, or by introducing something from the plant or snails. My questions are: should I ease my betta's suffering, and take him out of the water & let him suffocate? Is there a better way to euthanise him? Could he have gotten the dropsy from my previous betta? Or could the plant and/or snails brought in something that caused him to get dropsy? Thanks.