
Serious experienced vegans who work out a lot, I need protein help!?

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I am on my 3rd day of going vegan and I need some protein ideas.

I do not eat any soy products because of a health condition that's contraindicated. I also have special protein needs because I lift weights intensively 4 times a week, run 2 times a week, and bike 6-10 miles 5-6 times a week. I am also trying to eat somewhat low carb, which is next to impossible with all the pulses and brown rice. I am eating a lot of beans, God help me my stomach is killing me! I also have purchased a brown rice protein powder which is so-so. I've been blending it with coconut nectar, sprouted flax seeds, super green powder and some frozen berries and it's pretty good that way. However, try as I may, yesterday I only had 66 grams of proteins for the entire day and I need between 80-85 grams.

Are there any other good sources of protein that are not soy based other than beans and brown rice? I'm not picky I'll eat just about anything even if it tastes gross so try me!





  1. It's true that as a person who exercises heavily, you need quite a bit more protein than a sedentary person, as you are always tearing down and building new muscle. But if you can't eat wheat gluten or soy, there is no way you are going to be able to eat a high-protein or low carb diet. So you will probably have to make a choice eventually.

  2. I have been a vegetarian for over 10 years and at first had a horrible time, I wasnt getting enoegh protein or B-12. My herbal doctor recommended a supplement called Klamath Blue Green Algae. It has been a miracle for me. I get all of the protein and B-12 that I need and I dont have to stress over every little thing I eat worrying if Im getting enoegh of this or that. I noticed a huge difference in my energy levels after about 4 days of taking it. I have been using them for over 8 years now, and would never go back. Here is a link for you and I hope that it helps. Many Blessings.

  3. 66 grams of protein is more than enough. Why do Americans have such a freak out about protein? Women only need 53 GRAMS/56 GRAMS for men of protein per day...whether you work out or not.

    This is medically correct. I'm an editor exclusive to health and medical information, and just did a consumer-based article on this subject. Additionally,  I'm an elite vegan athlete myself, and what you're already eating is completely fine. Try some quinoa (it cooks kind of like's not wheat) and nuts (walnuts and peanut butter are great). Oatmeal has protein. You can try other milks like oat and almond. Tahini butter is awesome. Corn tortillas and rice noodles have some protein, too. You'll find most vegetables/fruits have some protein in them.

    I would tell you to eat seitan, but that's pure gluten/wheat meat. I love that stuff. YUM! Tons of protein.

    Don't fret too much about it, you're not going to shrivel up and die. You probably need more water, electrolytes, potassium, and sodium rather than protein with the amount of exercise you're engaging in (about 10-12 hours a week?).

    Also, I suggest rinsing canned beans before cooking/eating them (ahem, to reduce gas). Your body needs time to adjust to the higher fiber content, so it'll take some time to adjust.

  4. There is a product out there that is called Vega "Whole Body Health Optimizer."  It's basically a powder that you mix with water but in every serving there is nearly 30 grams of protein plus nearly everything other mineral or vitamin you may need including omega fatty acids, B vitamins, etc.  

    It's Soy Free and it's protein complex is made from Organic hemp protein, yellow pea protein, organic brown rice protein, and whole flax seed.  It comes in a variety of flavors too.

    You'll be well on your way to being the newest vegan bodybuilder!!

    Also here's a forum of people telling what they eat and their exercise regimens...

  5. Okay, I've been a bicycle racing vegan for a long time, so I know what I'm talking about.  I rode

    First of all, do not go on a low carb diet.

    If you are trying to avoid flour based products, get your carbs from vegetables instead - yes, there are carbs in veggies.  Try dark green veggies, potatoes, yams, sweet potatoes, taro, etc.   Beans are good.  Rice is good.

    Protein powder is typically very hard on the digestion  -- difficult to digest.

    Focus on amino acids, not protein.

    > coconut nectar, sprouted flax seeds,

    > super green powder and some frozen berries

    Um... this is a bad digestive mix... it would likely upset my stomach and give me the farts.  How about you?

    Don't forget your 'good' fats/oils.

    Next, stop COUNTING grams of this or that etc.  Just eat.  Eat quality food.  Tasty food.  Focus on quality.  Organic.  Fresh.  Cooked properly.  Good digestive mixes (look up: food combination digestion).

    Study the human digestive system, nutrition, etc.

    Trust me, for about 15 years straight I did intensive training.  I cannot convey everything I know in this one little message, but feel free to send me messages asking specifics.

    Keep this in mind -- there are some people living in some far away land, where they are poor, they work hard, eat a sparse diet, and someone of the same age and gender as you is probably twice as strong and could easily outrun you.  How could this be when the are not eating special diets etc.?  Counting their carbs and proteins etc.?  See those guys there, who work all day long loading trucks with 100 pound bags of grains etc.  Their muscles are big a ripped.  It's called, work.  Exercise.  It's called the human body.  If you work and exercise... the body will respond.

  6. Nuts, whole wheat items, quinoa

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