
Serious friend problems...?

by  |  earlier

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Okay, well me and my best friend, are two very strong-willed people, and take everything way to personally. We also fight more then a old married couple.

And today, she brought up religon, but I am an athiest and she is catholic. And I know I was probally doing the same thing as her, but she was telling me that my beliefes are wrong, and all of that. Then I told her I was uncomfortable talking about it, and she continued on. Then, I started barking at her my atheist belifes, and she got mad.

Then she's straightedge, but all of a sudden, she's been like, "Oh, I wanna smoke pot just to try it. I wass get drunk just to try it." And i got mad at her for saying that, and she was like, "I was kidding, you are such a pessimist." And, I'm like, "Can you stop with the wanting to do things you are so against?" and she's like "Well, can you stop quoting lyrics and people all the time? And being such a pessimist?" And that got me mad, because that's just who I am. And I said that. and she's like "I am not telling you to beleive in God." Blah blah blah, I am just really tired of all this fighting! We made this promise, I guess, that whenever we get into fights, we will forgot all about it by the next day, just so we don't ruin our friendship. But, I really don't get why we fight all the time! And how we are complete oppisites but we're best friends. Also, she's changed a lot since last year, and I told her this, and she says she thinks it's for the better. But, things we used to do and have fun, she doesn't find fun anymore, things she used to find funny, she doesn't anymore. Can someone please help me?




  1. i think you guys need a little break,

    hang out with some other friends for about 3 weeks or something

    still meet up with her but not too much

    be close for that time but not too close, you can sometimes get sick of friends when your around them for too long

    my friend is a bit like that we talk now and we've been better friends than when we were best friends

    after you start missing her then become her best friend again,

    also in science as well in friendship and relationships

    Opposites Attract.

    hope this helps


    (also nice Panic! at the disco lyrics :P)

  2. people change, you have to accept that.

  3. Just because you're opposites doesn't mean you can't have a nice relationship. Just cool things down a bit, you'll get along.

    Good luck.

  4. Both of you have to agree to disagree.  Friends have to accept each other for who they are, what they are and what they stand for.  Friendship involves respect one for the other, honesty and tolerance.  

    Evaluate what this friend means to you in ways other than the topics which cause friction.  If other areas are fine then focus on those and avoid causes of dissention.

    As far as the fun thing is concerned people can change so I would suggest find other things to do which you have not tried before.    

    It really boils down to acceptance of the person; respect and tolerance for their beliefs, their faults and their good points. As you implement these principles so too should she.  As I said right at the beginning just agree to disagree over these issues and get on with your lives. It's just an implementation of the saying "Live and Let Live".

  5. sounds like you two have just grown apart and are going your separate ways so you can still be friends and stuff, but find a new best friend who has more in common with you.

    Good luck =]

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