
Serious fuel cell advice wanted, no babble about how it doesnt work. ive seen it work, you people dont know.

by  |  earlier

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i built my cell from what i learned on you-tube. just a few new ideas i added. it makes a large amount of gas & burns real well, off the bubbler. im looking for some other smaller type of anti flashback, smaller than the bubbler. another thing is that ive only hooked it up on my 95 dodge dakota, like maybe 45 min. fear may cause some harm to the truck.? what do i do for the sensors/computer? any suggestions?

please dont respond, if you are just going to speak in a series of clicks and grunts about something you have no idea about, doesnt ase sertified, have been since 1996, also work as a mechaic in a shop. so go to the food & drink category and asnwer something you know, like how to make toast or something. thank you.




  1. i now found someone thats knows it works,i too have it on my 86 ford.truck. wasnt to clear on your you want to build smaller anti flashback device.i used 10 inches of 1 inch p.v.c. pipe,two end caps,filled the p.v.c. with copper dishwashing scrubber,drill hole in each end of caps .insert your vaccum lines.i expoxed them in.i hope this helps.   buz.

  2. Well, let's go back to your ASE certification examination:

    A mechanic wants desperately to believe that a fuel saving device actually saves fuel, but he has real suspicions that it does no such thing.  What should be his next step?

    A) Post a belligerent question on Yahoo Answers so as to bully others into submission and at the same time sustain his own belief.

    B) Continue his regular job in the service shop, which consists of selling fuel-line magnets, bogus fuel-injector treatments, and recycled brake parts to his customers

    C) Seriously consider the fact that the production of hydrogen and oxygen gas by the device he installed does not equate to an improvement in mileage

    D) All of the above.

  3. Fuel cell and Hydrogen gas generator are two very different things. After reading your comments, it became very clear that you are speaking of the latter. Be careful to 'label' the tech correctly.Your future success with this 'generator' may fully depend upon your ability to accurately describe what you are doing and trying to acheive. I commend you for your accomplishments and pray that you reach your goal. Your goal is very important to so many who suffer every day with choices they should not have to face, much less make.

  4. The gas sensors may be changed to the same sensors used in electrolyctic oxygen generators.  For instance, if you replace an oxygen sensor with a hydrogen sensor, it will trick the computer into thinking that it is reading oxygen, and thus, in the same manner, will decrease or increase fuel flow to adapt to the change.  If you are placing a fuel cell in conjunction with a gasoline engine, you may have to change the computer's parameters, which can be done with the correct connection and an override code.  

    When I was on submarines I wondered why somebody hasn't used this technology for cars, since it has been around since the fifties...  Subs have been shocking water to make oxygen ever since nuclear reactors have been around....

    Anyway, good luck,,,

  5. Well it don't work, and I can PROVE IT. AAA tested it and it don't work, but you don't want to hear that so.

    They way they get the better fuel mileage is to lean out the fuel air mix, to the point where it will damage your valves or pistons. As a mechanic you should know what that will do to an engine. So you save a few dollars on fuel but get the fun of rebuilding an engine.

    As far as flash back use what they use on torches, you can get them at most auto supply shops.

    BTW if you are ASE certified for engines you should already know what it's going to do to sensors/computer.

    Your sensors are going to see low oxygen levels in your exhaust your computer will lean out the fuel to bring the oxygen levels to normal, if it can't do that it will go into default mode and turn on the CEL. While in default mode it will burn more fuel, you will lose power so now you have a car that will not pass the emission test, in most states if the CEL is on you fail no matter what, and it runs worse and uses more fuel.


    If this worked as claimed why don't we see them on RACE cars. Think about it to get X% more fuel mileage they would have to increase the output of the engine by X%. So for a hundred dollars or so I'd get big boost in HP.

    I say race cars now because so many people believe that the auto companies are in bed with big oil. While people who are out to increase the speed and power of their cars clearly are not. Do you think that if a simple device like this would do as it's claimed every street rod in the world would have one.

    Don't let logic stand in the way of a good con.

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