
Serious help for after HS?

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ok im going to be a junior this year in high school so its time to start looking for colleges. I want to go to ohio state to play hockey after high school but the problem is there isnt a hockey team at my school so i cant get hockey scholarships or anything. I work my butt off i drive a half hour 3 to four times a week starting in the fall until april going to ice hockey i play house right now but im not too bad i ALWAYS play in the street and work on my skills i know i have it in me to play college hockey but idk how to get there can someone please help me?! i would like to get into the NHL someday but i atleast want to play college hockey PLEASE HELP!




  1. If you play house and not travel, you really need to fine a division three team- you have no chance of getting a division one spot right now. If you really stand out in division three, then you could try and transfer to a division one school.

    By the way, Ohio state is a huge school. the focus there is not going to be on you, it's on you as a number. You want to go to a smaller school so you can focus more on an education, because even if you do play in the NHL you probalby won't be a huge star making millions- You would be scouted  if that were the case.

    I hate to kill your dreams, but there's a very good chance you won't ever make a division one team. You really would need to be playing on a junior team to be noticed.

    For another school in Ohio, if you have good enough grade, look at Case Western. You'll get a great education, and they have a club division three team. You would be guaranteed a spot.

  2. Most colleges look for 1-2 years of junior hockey at the "A" level "B" at the least. I work for a Junior Team and after you have played atleats 1-2 years we help to transfer you to a school you want to go to and will sucssed at playing hockey in. My opinion if Ohio State doesn't have a hockey team and you want to continue playing hockey Juniors is the Best way to go because you have NHL, AHL, QMJHL,and college scouts coming to look at you. I live in New England and work in the Empire and EJHL  and for a couple Junior teams as a Player Development Specialist. Your ultimate best bet it to go for juniors. I don't know you skill level but i suggest finishing your high school team first (tillyour a senoir) and then mabey take you core classes (Math, English, Science,History.) at a local community college while playing Juniors and at the end of 1 year attempt to transfer to a college that is fitting.

    Hope this helped...

  3. As a Junior I am asuming that you are 16 this year. If you want any chance of playing Div 1 college hockey you need to play the next two years at Midget AAA. If there is not a team close by, you will have to move. There is an outside chance you could make it from HS Varsity but that is a strech. It all comes down to scouting and you need exposure.

    Attached is a web site with a good AAA program in Ohio.

  4. yeah so what do you have going for you in hockey. play juniors i guess

  5. tryout for a elite club team. every state has a few with multiple levels so if you dont make the A team theres always the B team. Also, look into the numerous juniors teams or you can use another year of high school (a PG/post grad year) at a prep school either in the midwest or northeast to get some exposure. Also, think of making a tape of you playing this year to send to coaches if they cant get to see you in action.

  6. Your best bet...since ur school doesn't have a hocky team...would be to apply first to a smaller college that has one...and go there for two years. Then it will be easier to transfer to Ohio State.

  7. A half hour?!?!?! That's nothing!!!! I traveled over 2 hours each week for hockey practice. I'm lucky, we went to State's last year for my high school.

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