
Serious: if one day, you lost everything ..?

by Guest32789  |  earlier

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I watched this movie called "The Ultimate Gift"

It's about this guy whose father just passed away and his father left him with an inheritance but in order to obtain the inheritance, he has to do a series of tests.

He one day loses everything, all his money, his house, his life. So basically he's on the streets. All his "friends" bailed out on him. His so called girl friend, left him. Goes to show who your real friends are when you're in need.

"You won't know what you have, until you lose it all"

Some people are lucky to grow up in a family where money just comes to them. Selfishly buying this and that and not caring about anything. Not caring how hard their parents work in order for them to have what they have. Just being a spoiled child.

Then, there are those who have to work in order to make ends meat. Enough to pay their bills and their rent. Enough to be able to survive.

Finally, there are those in the middle.

To those who follow the first example, what if your family one day, lose everything, your house is gone, your fancy cars are gone, everything is gone but the clothes on your back. Your parents abandoned you in order for them to make a living. So, basically, you're homeless.

This is the time when you find out who your true friends are. The ones who'll support you no matter what happens, the one who'll support you until you can get back on your feet.

To be honest, I have not worked a day in my life. I don't have a job and I don't get paid by the hours I work.

I've done a lot of volunteer work though and i've done community service.

I am grateful for what I have. I am appreciative for the things that I have.

here is the meats and potatoes of this thread:

What would you do if you had nothing, you're basically a homeless person and none of your friends are there to back you up. Oh and these are your tasks:

1) Do 1000 hours of Community Service

2) Help out 10 people that are going through some difficulties in their life.

3) Make someone's dreams come true.

One final question:

What are you grateful for?




  1. well, to be honest, i'm not prepared for that...

    i don't have job before... most of the time, then, i don't even have a buck inside my pocket... but my family was there, my dearest boyfriend was there... my relatives were there... all of them, waiting for me to tell them what i need... what i want...

    i may say i was still lucky even at that time....

    i'm not asking for too much in this world... all i want is to keep everything that i have now and probably someday i'll be asking the Lord to give me and future husband some children and build our own family...

    Those people that we're there for me when i was worthless, those are the best thing this life gave me and i'll always be grateful for...

    and if i will be losing them one day, i'd rather lose my own life.

  2. if i lost everything i would be pleased, i would work for a little bit more money, get some camping stuff and go build my own house illegaly in the woods, or i would be a drifter and go traveling.

    to be fair im not that gratefull for anything, because even with all that stuff i still cant do my dreams and ambitions. so i will be greatfull when i get rid of all my belongings and have nothing

  3. Hi Jasmine,

    The only one u should listen is 2 cos 2 is the one and only has nothing in life. interested to chit chat with me? beam me, Jasmine! hee hee...

    Dun listen those word who never even experience one single moment of life that is taken away by the Dogs! My life is 100% taken away by the Doggies.

    hee hee...the most qualify to answer your Q. Cheerio.

  4. My boyfriend was homeless for several years. He didn't find out who his true friends were though. You have selfish friends no matter where you are in life.

    What would I do if I had nothing?

    Be grateful to have had the things and people I once had. Some people never have it in the first place.

    Make the best of it. We are resilient and can get through just about anything.

    As for the tasks, I already do 1 and 2 and hopefully 3, but will surely continue to do them.

    Don't let this leave you as fast as it came.

  5. HI Jasmine,

    what you write is insghtful.

    "you won't know what you have until you lose it all."

    a phrase that has gone in one ear and out the other of most people, a phrase that most only truly understand in retrospect and that is a tragedy.

    Why? - becasue you can know it's simple - you think about your life with certain components misisng and empathise with you own projected position without those things . This helps you know the value of what you have so you never need to scramble to get back the people and things which you have undervalued and lost just becuase you never even stopped to think.  

    as you know it's so worthwhile to put a little thought into things.


    as for your meats and potatoes when travelling in india i encountered several grass roots projects just screaming for manpower who could do with a literate english speaker, school projects, orphan projects, projects to free and stabilise the lives of slave children. i'd engage my intellect to acquire the plane fare and i could get from delhi airport to somewhere that needs me hopefully off the back of my kind eyes and apalling spoken hindi. there is far more than a 1000 hours to be done and 10 people would be a drop in the ocean. such projects give children their lives back so that they can begin to dream for the first time.  


    i do look and if i were to write ALL the things i am grateful for the next answer down would be a long way off your screen.but am most grateful that nothing actively threatens my life or the lives of any of those i love - that i live in peace.    


  6. I'm grateful for my wife, who (when she was just my girlfriend) helped me out in a situation like this.

    To answer honestly, it's near impossible for someone who literally has nothing but the backpack full of t-shirts he sleeps on to help anyone else or to make one's dream come true.  However, having no money and no friends (except one very nice girl) really puts things in perspective.  On one hand it made me an incredibly adaptive (is that a word?) person, meaning in any kind of situation I can find some good, or at least a solid ground for my feet.  On the other hand, it made me realize that it's very, very easy to lose one's comfortable lifestyle, and made me very nihilistic and paranoid.

    Also, get a job.

  7. There are many good souls who have lost it all, or fallen on hard and testing times, power of will and a strong spirit will see through a good person and he wont be down on his.her luck for very long.

    I am grateful for my faith and belief in my ability to overcome the obstacles and problems placed in my path.

  8. Even if I lose everything, I still have God and I am grateful for that.

  9. 23 is my answer! hahaha.....funny why there is no 9 at all? because pluto is deleted.

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