
Serious lack of money!?

by  |  earlier

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I have like no money ever! all my friends have more money than me and it doesmy head in cos i can never go out! I have a job and i work 9 hours every saturday but i only get 2.50 an hour which is much less than minimum wage, i haven't got my national insurance number yet and im nearly 17 can i apply for a job without it?




  1. Why would you put your Saturdays time for $22.50X4=$90.00

    less than $100 a month. What a bad employer you have. I am sorry.

    I think you can.

  2. stop buying stuff you don't need and you will notice some money left in your pocket after a few weeks.  if you are living with your parents, the only necessary expenses you should have when you are out are for food and transportation.

  3. have a good sort out and put wat u dont want on ebay. you may not make a million but least u will have a bit more money.

  4. If you apply for a job you will normally need you're national insurance number. But if you're nearly seventeen you should've had it ages, you're supposed to get about three months before your 16th B'day. Contact the local authority and they'll give you a number to ring about it, you NI is important!

    Oh btw you don't get the same minimum wage, as you are under 18, but there's a different one for 16, 17 and 18, so when you turn 17 you can demand more pay. Search for minimum wage in google to find the exact values.

  5. contact your local jobcentre and enquire about your national insurance number because you should have recieved it by now, I think it is illegal for someone to not be paying you the national minimum wage so I would leave your current job as they prob dont have any insurance if anything happened to you whilst working for them either. 9 hours is also a long shift for someone your age, you could get a job for less hours on the saturday for more money PH and maybe do a few hours on a sunday.

  6. Once, when I was sitting in a rural area with my granny next to the National Highway, waiting for a bus or mini bus to come past to take us to the little town 30 miles or so away from the village where granny stayed, a car stopped and a man got out and asked what we were sitting there for. Granny explained and he offered us a lift. Granny accepted, and while driving with him, he asked Granny how much she wanted for me, and she said that I was not for sale, so he explained that he only wanted to be with me for a short while, and Granny named a ridiculous price..

    I even laughed when she named the price, but the man stopped and took out his wallet and counted out every last dollar which he placed in Granny's hand.

    She then got out and walked a short distance away and waited. The man and I did what he wanted and he called Granny back to the car afterward. Just a short story from my personal experience, but I share it so that you can see how easily a small fortune can come your way from the most unlikely places. That amount of money that Granny got on that day was about equal to her pension for the whole year !

    It was to us a fortune, and worth the sacrifice.

    So sometimes must sacrifice something personal to gain hugely.

    Keep that in mind.

  7. are you doing a restaurant gig?  because at least there you can get tips.  there are some restaurants that hire young hostesses.  try a chain like Olive Garden.

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