
Serious life changing decisions?

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Obama or Mccain

Wat do u guys think about how the election is going in my opinion obama did a great job in picking his VP cuz he can help him in making great decisions experience wise. Now Mccain i think made a stupid decision by picking the girl i think it just shows how afraid he is in losing the campaign and she inexperienced and not fit for this and no I'm not saying this cuz hes a girl. Then i think obama promises something new cuz hes actually putting his country 1st and going on and saving others like bush is trying 2 do cuz i think bush shoulda payed more attention to his country rather than others and voting 4 mccain is basically asking for the same 8yrs we've been living in.




  1. While this question is pretty out of place, I will answer it. John McCain is 72 and has had 4 fights with cancer. If he is elected, I'd say it's a 50-50 chance he dies before he finishes his term. I don't want the person who takes over to him to have the experience of being the governor of Alaska for a little over a year, as well as finishing second in the Miss Alaska pageant. The only reason McCain picked her was so he could try to get the moderate Clinton supporters who hate Obama for some reason or another. I don't see how McCain can attack Obama for not having experience, when Obama's VP has been in the Senate for 35 years as well as being a longtime member of the Foreign Relations committee. McCain's VP has zero experience. Don't get fooled America. McCain's trying to pull a fast one and is just hoping no one notices before November.

  2. Do some research and reading bub, SHE is more experienced than obama hopes to ever be , she runs a national guard for petes sakes and done things obama  only dreams of..... do some more research before you ask any more stupid questions lame a**  

  3. Um... what does this have to do with Parenting and Pregnancy?

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