
Serious!!! my son has hair....?

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My son is 8 years old and he has hair under his arms and this isnt just light baby hair he has more than a few strands of darkhair is this normal? it seems too early but if anyone can help me i would greatly appreciate it. please serious answers only




  1. It's called PUBERTY. Didn't you know that puberty can strike kids at age 8?

  2. On the early side but nothing to worry about.

  3. kids seem to be developing much faster then before.  I wouldnot worry.  Is "hairy" on either side if the family?  He's just hitting puberty a bit faster then expected!

  4. I would tell the doctor my friends daughter lost her first tooth at 4 yrs old and that was not normal. so Just incase I would allways ask!

  5. it is completly normal. underarm hair starts to sprout in between ages 8-13. your son is an earlier sprouter,but it is still normal.


  6. He's just earlier and it's perfectly normal. Children are starting puberty earlier nowadays due to their diets, so your not alone!

  7. It's not a big deal. He is starting a little early though, but its normal.

  8. It's fine, some kids just sprout earlier, don't worry it's natural, there are late sprouters and early sprouters

  9. I'd have him checked out by your doctor/pediatrician, or ideally by an endocrinologist.  I'll bet he also has a good growth of pubic hair, too.  Something may be causing his pituitary gland to send out signals to his body to start maturing ahead of schedule.  The maturing itself isn't a concern but what's causing his pituitary gland to act up may be.

  10. It's normal. Don't worry!

  11. evry body starts puberty at difrent ages its normal and hes going thro puberty and its not too young

                    under 7 would be young

                    over 17 would be to late and should go to the doctor

  12. It varies from person to person.  Usually those hairs start in the  pubic region then starts to the under arms.  My son is 11 yrs old and has started already.  I know with girls there is a weight thresh hold where they start their period.  It may be the same with boys as well. I am not sure.  It seems young but I asked the doctor about my own son and he said it was perfectly normal.

  13. I would like to say yes it's normal because everyone is different and he's just starting early.

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