
Serious people only have you seen ghost or why do you believe or not believe in them? i have never seen one?

by  |  earlier

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but so many people belive in them and i just want other thoughts. THANKS




  1. Not only seen a few but dreamed about one when 10 that I sorta met in college. After describing the dream to some one in college, one girl said omg that's my aunts cerified haunted house and her ghost. I've told this story here before so I'll just cut to the chase. After seeing the house, (the one in my dream) Visiting the basement I died in, in the dream, (where our ghost was buried) And playing a song on their piano, (one I had preselected and was on the music stand of the piano when I got there) a blue ball of energy floated over my head. The girl and her Aunt saw it too. I have been in many haunted situations in my life. The house where clocks changed time thru out the day. (a few times in front of my eyes.) You could never get this house warm no mater how much you ran the heat. Things vanished and reapeared, (not in front of me but still) on a regular basis. We were always hearing footsteps and noises when no one but us were home. There are quite a few more but I'll close with my west coast ghost. After passing a very bad accident, I was at a phone booth. I got a chill and turned to find a strange looking young man behind me. I'm not easy to sneak up on. (country boy) He spooked me so bad I told him to hang on a sec. and he could have the phone. I turned back around, said good bye and turned back to tell him the phone was his. He was gone. There was no place he could have gone to in the time I'd turned away and back. I did see him once more. His picture was in the obits column of the paper the next day. He had died in a car crash. I believe because I have seen. Happy ghost hunting.

  2. yes i have seen them-which answers that i do believe but even my husband is a big skeptic-i guess it has to happen to you to become a true believer

  3. I can honestly say I have seen ghosts in the past.

  4. I am Christian, and believe the literal teachings of the bible. I believe that "supernatural manifestations" are truly demonic. I do believe that people see what they believe are apparitions and ghosts, but that most can be explained by science, and the rest are demonic.

    That being said, the idea of ghosts and the supernatural still creeps me out, LOL.

  5. People have always believed in ghosts and spirits.  I know after the Civil War this was very popular what with all the people killed during that war. Millions of people wanted to communicated with the guys killed in the war.  Mrs. Lincoln was into it.

    Ghosts and spirits are very probably nonsense, but it's fun to believe.  And believers will beat you to death to insist that their nonsense is really true.  And ghost/spirit stuff is beginning to show up on tv as if it's real - so advertisers realize there's money in ghosts.

    There's psychiatric explanations of ghosts.  One which comes to mind is that they're repressed rage which is then hallucinated.  Might be why ghosts are so scary - they are made of one's own fears.

  6. yes i do  believe in gost.. i have seen it.. and i think that just have one life just like us.

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