
Serious problem, please help! (18 or older please)?

by  |  earlier

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First off, i"m between the ages of 15-18 Male. I have a GF I love with much passion. We've know each other for about 4 years and have been currently dating for about 3 1/2 months. Heres were the problem starts. Ive had an addiction to looking at p**n on the internet for almost 5 years now. Its not everyday, and I keep it under wraps.

I decided with this girl i'm dating that I would try to stop my horrible addiction. I tried to go without p**n or masterbating for 1 week but I cracked on the 6th day. Its gotten so bad that I cant go 2 days without doing it. :( I just sometimes get these uncontrollable eurges and feel like I need to do it to relive stress or come back to normal.

If possible I don't want to go to a class or take any drugs, is there a way I can break my bad habit?? Dumb comments will be erased on the spot.




  1. just try to generally look at less and less each week or w/e

    eventually you will be looking at minimal p**n, then eventually

    it will go away

    i had the same problem

    but i dont now

  2. Find a new hobby.

    Because p**n seems to be your only one right now.

  3. Well first off masturbating is natural for any kind of teenage boy. So don't worry about that. That's just a phase. Try hanging out with your GF more often and try going to church (if you haven't) this will probably help you with your p**n problem. Don't worry you will get over it and good luck with your GF. She will love you for who you are.

  4. Don't worry - you wil get over this situation. After about 2 weeks you will return back to normal.

    Try going somewhere during the day or at nighttime where you cant look at p**n or m********e.

    Good luck

  5. have s*x

  6. hey, masturbation is not bad.... you can explain it to here that you need to be relieved.... she'll like it more than you cheating just for relief

  7. Maybe you will grow out of it? If it isn't costing you anything and it isn't sick, what's the problem? Some women even get turned on looking at it with their partner, although not all.

    If it's anything sick, then you would need to see a psychologist.

    Sick as in not between consenting adults or harming others.

    As long as you realise it isn't real and the people are just pretending they like it for money.

  8. she sounds like a good girl. you definately dont want to lose her to some addiction. personally, if there was i woman in my life who i loved, she would be the apple of my eye and i wouldnt even consider looking at p**n. i was once like you. i used to have a p**n addiction. when i was your age, my addiction was at its peak. i want you to know that there is hope. you can break free. a womans body is a beautiful thing, but you need to walk in integrity. you need to have both an appreciation and a respect for beauty. using a woman as the object of your fantasy isnt appreciation,much less respect. ive broken my addiction by the grace of God and my faith in him. im 21 and  while im still a male, i dont look at p**n because ive learned to respect women.

    i still m********e periodically. 95% of men do it, and its thats a hard thing to overcome. if you cant overcome masturbation entirely, thats fine, just dont make it a habit and do it less and less. who knows, you may eventually never want to do it anymore. i wish you luck with this girl.

  9. It sounds like a problem and you need to get help. I'm guessing that trying to cut down etc won't help. You have an addiction and need to go for counselling or groups. Sorry, I know it's not what you want to hear but you could spend the next 20 years feeling guilty and out of control or you could get a handle on it now.

  10. I refuse to answer your dumb queston on the spot!

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