
Serious ques. about (my) cat and liquid diarreha? ?

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My cat (will be 3 in Dec.) has had serious diarreha for about 3 weeks now. YES I have brought him to the vet. (twice) and the only thing they can come up with is "possible food allergy", but are unsure. They put him on two diff. meds and so far the diarreha hasn't gotten any better. It's pretty much liquid right now. I have to keep him in a seperate bedroom (spare) so he doesn't track the poo all over the carpet in the house. I feel so bad! Anyways, are there ANY ideas on what this could be? The vet says its not feline lukemia, nor any worm or parasite. Is there something out there that can help HARDEN his p**p? I know that some dogs can eat chicken and rice, but he's not a dog! haha. Plus he's a semi picky eater so idk if he will even eat that. So any help any would be greatly appreciated. Thank you!




  1. The PPs have given you some excellent advice--just want to add one thing to it. Try letting your cat flush his problem out of his system a bit: don't give him any solid food--canned or kibble--for about twenty-four hours so his stomach and intestines have a chance to clear out and settle down. Give him PLENTY of fresh water to prevent dehydration.

    After the 24 hours of passed, slowly reintroduce food, but only in small amounts. I recommend fish, but regular white meat is good too (stay away from beef/pork for now) Give him very small amounts about 4 to 6 times a day--this may seem like a lot of feedings, but the amounts you would give him would be much smaller: all feedings should only equal about half of his normal daily intake.  If this works, and you see no further runs, then you can slowly bring back up the usual amount of food.  

    hope that helps some!

  2. i have a cat and is almost 4 in the end of the month. i solved my problem by giving him dry cat food mixed with wet canned cat food. sometimes i give him some cheese or a little bit of milk. oh and dry cat treats work best. here ill give u an example of the foods.

    hope it works!!!:)

    oh and here's a site that may be the solution to constant diarreah

  3. I have a cat too and she used to do that. I simply switched to another food and it stopped. a lot of cats are picky about there food. Every time i get more food i would buy something different. In the end the food my cat liked was IAMS. I know its exspensive but it pays off in the end!

    Hope i helped and good luck with ur little kitty!

  4. Have you tried switching his food?

  5. Try a anti diarrhea  over the counter med for a human baby. It is given by weight. Some times  the runs and cause cramps that keep the runs going. The otc for baby's will not hurt. If you can break the cycle it may clear up

  6. Pin-point the problem - did you switch your cats food three weeks ago?  Is you cat eating or drinking something that they haven't before.  Perhaps your cat is munching on a plant that is poison.  Think hard.

  7. Has your vet mentioned the possibility of irritable bowels? Often that is treated with steriods. There is also prescription foods for cats with chronic diarrhea called Hill's I/D or purina make one called EN.

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