
Serious question, can someone give a complete run down of how and why people troll? ?

by  |  earlier

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Is it mainly men as I constantly hear?

What is the idea behind it?

The troll can and do remove my questions in minutes if its not to their taste, how?




  1. I just like to mix things up but i never report but have been blocked an reported all the time. I don't think I am a troll but I bet they do lol.

    I love my cat - Wow she is full of hate an she complains about the men how funny. There was one thing of truth she said men are afraid what would happen if women got into power. Look at the crappy laws they have pressured law makers to make already. We have seen what they can do when given power an we don't like it. The proof is in the pudding. Just go to your local court house an watch the bias.

  2. They are kind of funny and kind of a Parasite. They suck you in and when they anger you, they report you. I've been stalked by trolls and just yesterday, challenged one. He reports 6 of my questions and answers and now I have to write back to Yahoo and appeal each one to regain my points and question. It is kind of irritating when you have enjoyed Q&A as much as I have and worked so hard to give the best answers as possible.

  3. the trolls are consist in many forms. trolls are mostly top contributors as they do the most reporting  

  4. Serious answer:  Ask yourself!    

  5. i presume when you say 'troll' you mean the moderators?

    if a question is inappropriate by their means they remove it.

    on forums and such, 'trolls' are known as people who are not registered with the forum and who remain anonymous but like to watch over everyone's discussions.  

  6. It's hard to know what gender a troll is because they're hiding behind an avatar. Trolls do what they do to be obnoxious and stir up trouble. I think they're trying to get laughs from shocking people, but they don't get that that kind of humor is best left to the professionals. They're amateurs. It's easy to get a question removed, if it is in violation of yahoo answers' codes. Which these questions (and some answers) usually are.

    In that spirit, I'd like to post a video giving a big f-u-c-k you to online misogynists. Some of the comments Jessica talks about receiving on her blog aren't that far off from some of the stuff I've read on here, either...

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