
Serious question,for a change: Do you think that Prince Charles made a Faux Pas by kissing Mme Sarkozy's hand?

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While she was wearing gloves?

Should he have waited until she had removed her gloves?

Dirty answers welcome,of course.

But does someone know the Etiquette of Hand Kissing?




  1. I think it was sweet.

  2. It proves he is a gentleman, perhaps you should read up on etiquette, but don't suppose that is in the newspaper that you read.

  3. hmh. this is an odd question.

    talks alot about etiquette. hmh, isn't there a section for that?

  4. Vincent?  A serious question? Then you ask about Prince Charles committing a faux pas? Serious I think not , but funny x

  5. If the glove was part of evening dress (opera gloves), kissing the hand wasn't really a faux pas.

    Of course, the Prince of Wales kissing the hand of a notorious s**t, even though she got married, is really showing far too much respect to her position as "first lady"... he really demeaned himself... and that's taking into account the fact that I deem the windsors base caitiffs and usurpers....

  6. Depends on where the hand had recently been

  7. Hand, Glove, etiquette - so what? He was lucky.

    He gets to kiss Carla, her husband has to kiss Camilla.

  8. For once, Prince Charles did not` put his foot in it`! I think this time he deserves a pat on the back!

  9. WHAT do you think he should kiss?

  10. definitely not, let's say that Mme Bruni should have removed her gloves before meeting him but he overlooked this part and behaved like a real gentleman.

    Good one Charles

  11. I think Charlie committed a faux pas by having s*x with someone elses wife (Camilla), treating his own wife like dirt, and allowing his family to pressure him into marrying Diana just for breeding purposes.

    I also think the Royal family have turned into a national joke. Only the Queen and Princess Anne deserve any respect - the others are talentless parasites.

  12. No he done the right thing.

  13. Id rather kiss her A** THAN CAMILLA,S LIPS.

  14. better the kissing the hand of that wrinkly old cow he has for a wife

  15. Actually, you are not supposed to kiss the hand itself.  Proper etiquette is to place your lips just above the hand.  It is supposed to be a gesture of appreciation, not an actual kiss. Gloves are a moot issue these days.

  16. Given her romantic(?)history which includes Mick Jagger, maybe Charlie wanted his lips to go where no man's had ever gone before. Outside the gloves.

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