
Serious question: What will the whether be like on Saturday 16th August (UK)?

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Will it rain sunny just abit of downpour I seriously need to know in high detail because im going to thorpe park and if it rains i need to know now. I cant be bothered to rust the news so will it or will it not and please dont guess. Lol

So this saturday! x




  1. rubbish unfortunately

  2. You cant be bothered to trust the news, but you will believe a bunch of us on Yahoo Answers?  Seems a little off to me.  Seeing as though you live in the UK and its been a terribly rainy August and the WEATHER reports say there is a 60% chance of rain, I would assume that it will rain and be happy if it doesnt.  


  4. check thats the best one because that is the main one for the uk.

    it shows that there might be some rain around london but only showers and late i the day their will be some heavy spells.

    have fun. go on stealth. (:

  5. Er, it's spelt 'weather' dear.

    I don't know whether the weather will be nice or not, who do you think I am, Bill Giles?

  6. The UK is not a Country but a Union of,




    and Northern Ireland,

    What part of the UK?

  7. Whether what?

  8. Its going to rain Im afraid. Sorry.

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