
Serious question about aliens?

by  |  earlier

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I have heard and seen movies about alien abduction when they dont just take a person overnight and return them, but rather they take them for weeks or for eternity never to return to earth again. My question is do they really do this? also like people who go missing or are thought or or known to be dead are really abductees never to return to earth again? also alot of people on here say to watch talking about aliens because "they are always watching and listening". my other question is how do they watch and listen to everything we do and say?




  1. You're first problem here is believing people are abducted (by aliens) in the first place. People are abducted by real people all the time.

    You're second problem is you believe in extraterrestrial making contact with Earth (highly unlikely).

    Excuse my pun, but come back down to Earth.

  2. Your question is do they really do this?Well there is no way of knowing,that would be just how they want it to be ofcourse.But,I think it a possibility.Abduction,probably not for eternity,but,for some time,the question is what would they do to them?Why are they so interested in watching us,and listening,I wonder that too,in ways we might not understand,or think of.I also think aliens have been around on Earth for along time now,maybe before us.

  3. there are lots of people on this planet.

    there is a small percentage of people that vanish and never come back.

    because we never see them again, we have no idea where they went, and we never will.

    I really doubt that the aliens are looking at everything we do, and say, can you imagine how much info that would be, can you imagine how boring it would be to do that.

    in most reports of alien abductions, say that the aliens are just testing things and really do not have bad intent,

    so I doubt that they take to many people that do not want to go.

    I only know one person that says they saw a friend taken permanently by aliens, but the guy taken had a life long dream of going with the aliens to wherever aliens go to.

    I just realized what strange conversations I have with people...

  4. If you're serious, then you should be aware thhat there is no evidence whatsoever that extra-terrestrial aliens have ever visited earth.

    Aliens make for entertaining and highly-rating TV programs, so of course such programs will quite rightly continue to be made.  They should be classified in the same category as Shrek, however - strictly for fun.


  5. OK astronomy 101.

    lets say there are aliens and they live on the planet blog.

    no planets capable of supporting  life have been found. Although we haven't looked at the whole universe so maybe there are some. If there are they are beyond a 1000 light years away which means it would take more then a 1000 years travelling at the speed of light to reach earth. Common sense alone should tell you that this is very very very unlikely, as NOTHING can travel faster than the speed of light, if it could the laws of physics would break down and the universe would no longer exist. Thankfully laws of physics don't break down and we do have a universe to exercise our wondrous imaginations in.

  6. Darling, if no one can prove there are "really aliens" then how can one prove they "really do this?" This being the abduction thing.

    No one can say for certain if someone really was abducted by aliens or just had a far out hallucination.

    You'll just have to do more research and decide for yourself.

  7. Aliens actually invented the internet

  8. Our planet is most likely going to have another near extinction in the future and that these people who aren't returned may choose to go possibly to help others like themselves or repopulate the earth in the distant future or possibly another planet etc.

    According to many stories these aliens use implants to see,hear and feel what we do. They also claim to have implants to communicate and control these abductees. If you ever heard of the fallen watchers than this is very similar if not the same. Also and again: look into remote viewing.

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