
Serious question for a moment...?

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When did you truely become REALLY interested in politics? Age? event? I know were all all aboutit, and perhaps its just since lately it seems like were teetering every election year.

I grew up after carter, and got to live through reagan, so it was pretty much a no brainer for a long time, but for me id have to say i became REALLY into when i became a father, and seeing how the world is shaping for my daughter.




  1. I grew up in a politically active household. So it was at a very young age that I became politically aware. I'd say around 10. Grew from there. I'm an Independent.  

  2. It was when I was in 6th grade during the Nixon/McGovern elections.  That's when our 6th grade class had major debates about the candidates proposals and what they stood for. Then we held our own elections.  I never looked back.  I have been fascinated ever since.  I also grew up in a blue collar household.  And, my grandmother was a school teacher and the wife of a farmer who loved FDR.  So, I grew up knowing what party stood for the working people in this country.  And, this year it's obvious that that party is back and that makes me very very happy.

  3. I would say I started becoming more interested after the 1st Bush was in office.  I was finishing up high school, not really sure why, that is just when it occurred to me.

  4. Summer when I turned 14, after seeing constant slamming of president bush when the Iraq war was at it's lowest point, I figured I would investigate myself, turns out President Bush's troop surge worked, as suggested by his top generals. And those silly liberals thought that they knew more then generals?

    I tend to look at facts more then personal life dirt etc etc.

  5. I always watched the news after September 11th and of course the earlier elections, but once I passed 18, which was recently, I realized my future depends on what we do now. Will I have a secure energy future and be able to travel like my parents did, will I be safe from war and not have to fight in it like my grandparents did, will I have a job. I can work as hard as I can alone, but it comes down to our government, our president, and how we handle the coming problems. That's why I'm really interested now.  

  6. When I was sixteen

  7. I really cannot remember when I became interested in politics.

    Politics was something that my father was always discussing, so I guess I started to become involved in them at an early age. I love debating politics and social issues.

  8. I commend you, for asking a serious question, congradulations.

    It's always refreshing to see a serious question.

    I was 13.

    I saw a political debate on, Bush sr. and Dukakis.

  9. When Ron Paul ran for President, he addressed problems I wanted to hear, and the solutions he had on the table. He motivated me to run for office, so I became buck wild about politics.

    Also, there are many websites that keep track how our irrelevant foreign policies are hurting others, and hurting ourselves financially. Also, the more government we expand, the more secretive and corrupt it will get. Great question.

  10. After listening to a Ron Paul speech.  

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