
Serious question for male/female anti-feminists?

by Guest64602  |  earlier

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For the anti-Feminists who would like to see an end to Feminism, is it out of concern for society or for personal reasons? Or are your reasons because of what you have read or heard?

What is your reason for wanting to rid society of Feminism?




  1. Both it was personal reasons that brought me to anti feminism but it is for the good of society that I now pursue it's removal.

    On the personal side I was sekking to see where all the hatred for fathers was coming from. I wanted to know why just because of my gender I was not as qualified to be a parent as my ex.

    I supported feminism until I found out why the family courts treated fathers and children as second to the mother.

    I pursue it now because I have three sons who I do not want to have to go through the h**l I have gone through. So I must rid the world of feminism not out of anger though but out of necessity.

  2. I think everyone should have the same rights and as much individual freedom as possible. However the feminist movement has hijacked the idea of equality for women. If you are sincere about understanding my reasons for being against feminism the please read this

    Are my reasons personal or altruistic? A bit of both: I think feminism is destroying society, and because I happen to live in society it affects me either directly or indirectly.

  3. I see feminism as a philosophical dead end, that identity politics is a dead in.

    I'm not against feminism, but I do think it is limiting the encouragement of decency in our culture, and, has led to a depravity of deeper discussions about relationships between different people.

    I've know women that color every thought about social issues with feminism, and, it is really a bore.  

  4. Shivs...I'm telling you..I want to dance circles around you everyday!

    While I don't really identity with feminists or anti feminist or whatever camp there is out there...Personally I don't mind having these camps around, good or evil.  Why?  Well they compliment each other.  They both keep each other on their toes and they both actually grow stronger (Ones who aren't in either camp for s***s and giggles).    As for the anti-feminism part of me (the other is for feminism..and another part is for none.), I don't really want to end it ya know, I just want feminist to understand that as a man, I'm not out there trying to disenfranchise women or whoever. h**l I Couldn't even if I want to.  Last time I checked and looked in the mirror, I was a "Black" "Man". :P

    The other problem is the fact that feminism is actually different for races as I do believe it is (Not intentionally) aimed towards white, rich to middle class, mostly single women.

  5. Not for personal reasons. In my personal life, gender issues rarely come up. I am suspicious of feminism because I believe that men and women are already equals. Feminism wants women to be equal in aspects where women lag behind while ignoring the fact that men lag behind in many aspects of society. It puts the focus on women while ignore boys and men. It is creating privilege for women to the detriment of men.

  6. I don't necessarily want to see an end to it, people are entitled to their opinions. I think it would be better for women if they ceased adopting the party line from the top down. I am most disturbed by the dogmatic thought process of many feminists, but I find that offensive in general.  

  7. I am all for equality, but that's just the point EQUALITY i don't think men should be given better opportunity then women and i don't think it should be the other way around either. people should be treated on a case by case basis and not based on s*x, race or any other generalization. the thing that pisses me off about feminists is that they want to have their cake and eat it too. they complain about women's rights and how they should have all these advantages that men have but then at the end of dinner they still expect the man should pay the full bill, hold the door for them and carry their luggage for them. also, many feminists are only in it for themselves, they are selfish and want to succeed but won't root for another woman and won't help another woman along. a lot of women are too catty to be true feminists, it's all a bunch of c**p. I know not ALL feminists are like this but most are and like i said before: it shouldn't be about favoring women, people should all be treated fairly and equally based on who they are.  

  8. Feminism is great on a macro level, it curbs the birthrates and contributes to keep the social pyramid intact in times of prosperity and well being. I just do not want my children to grow into "do you want fries with that" or be sent to prison. An staggering amount of drop outs teen preggers and early convicts are from single mom households who thought its about time to liberate themselves.

  9. I don't think we need feminism in this day and age in the Western world because I am happy with the way women are treated by society as a whole - the only politicised group of people who I see specifically targeting women with badgering, annoying and harassing behaviour and speeches are feminists who want other women to join their "cause".

  10. That would be like taking a step backward a few hundred years. Feminism isn't bad, it's just not relying on men for financial support and believing in women's equal rights. Guys can be feminists too, and it doesn't mean they're g*y. In fact, SNL cast member Andy Samberg is a declared feminist and he's a straight guy.

  11. Keep equal rights, but get rid of feminism and their anti-male biased laws and philosophies.

  12. You can't be neutral; for that matter neither can I, so no you can't approach it from that manner.  I wouldn't even attempt.

    All in all I'm the only true anti-feminist on here; the rest may be against feminism, but they do believe in equality between the sexes.  It doesn't interest me in the least bit.  Having said this, carry on with your lives such as they are, and I shall carry on with mine, such as it is.

  13. Practical social concerns.

    My reason- consider this. Traditional society has treated women as secondary citizens-- and in the process has given them certain luxuries not offered men, and at the same time has hindered women denying them opportunities offered men.

    My reasoning is simple- women obviously want to abolish perceived social injustices and rid women of the 'hindrances' that patriarchal society had put before women. HOWEVER, in their haste, feminism has often and *conveniently* forgotten to address and abolish those luxuries provided by patriarchy while addressing the hindrances.

    This is routine, and obvious- yet feminist leaders see this as secondary issue or almost unnecessary it seems. Check this question out for an example:

    "Men are somewhat handicapped in the workforce concerning their strength- what are women handicapped on?";...

    Or this question:

    Do women want EQUAL RIGHTS or do they really want MORE RIGHTS? (asked by a woman);...

  14. I hate modern liberal philosophy. If feminism went back to a classic liberali philosophy I could respect them. Modern feminism happens to be under the influence of modern liberalism.  

  15. And the reason for feminism is what

    Feminism is not needed nor necessary. It is pretty selfish and goes beyond extreme -

    My reasons are because I have seen how life has deteriorated and freedoms have been eradicated. Look what is on the agenda now - hate speech. Who determines that?

  16. I want men to be themselves AND women to be themselves. Feminism and feminists want to change men and women's nature. When you come up against a grouping of feminists who are making decisions about your life and your family then as a man you know it is fundamentally wrong. So it started out on a personal level and grew to a higher wider level when I met many other people who had met with the same injustice.

  17. Out of concern for men in society.

    It is sexist to think women's issues deserve more attention than men's when both have the same impact when assessed by the neutrals. And since women's issues has received more attention than is necessary, it it time people stood up for men and opposed the casue of men's problems: feminism.

  18. Having equal rights is great, closing down women's prisons and opening them as mens is fascism.

    One group spreading propaganda and misinformation to demonise another group is unacceptable, this is the West.

    A man being jailed in Mexico for withholding s*x is unacceptable.

    Hate speech on school curriculum's is unacceptable.

    and so it goes on.

    Why are you even asking this, you've been here so long?

    EDIT, NO it's completely different from feminism, it's not just  personal gain or the gain of one specific group at the expense of others, it's having a social conscience.

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