
Serious question for opponents of homosexuality?

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I said "opponents of homosexuality" instead of "homophobe" because some people against homosexuality claim they are not homophobic they're just against it.

Anyway, the honest question is this:

Why is when an "opponent of homosexuality" says something about homosexuality, it is reinforced to them because they are "expressing their opinion" (even if it is blatently disrespectful and they know it).

But when a homosexual says something about homosexuality, it is considered to be, "promoting the homosexual agenda".

I'm trying to figure this out, I really am. I'm trying to get into the minds of the majority here and what makes that mind feel superior.




  1. I don't personally support homosexuality.

    But, I do believe that much like issues with race, sexual orientation issues are fueled by both sides. Some people are too blatantly homophobic, and others are too blatantly homosexual.

    What I mean is, if being g*y is who you are, then why must one feel the need to announce it? Same for the opposite side.

    As for race, we perpetuate our own stereotypes and then get upset when they are pointed out. Look at CMT and BET.

    On a scientific note, there actually hasn't been a biological cause discovered that shows homosexuality can be natural and inherent. Just a thought from the other side.

  2. My take on this is, it's because in their minds, heterosexuality is the perceived "norm", the "standard" by which all other sexual orientations are measured. Statistically, homosexuals and bisexuals do make up a minority when compared against the backdrop of heterosexuals (hence the term "sexual minority"), so any "statements" made in support of a sexual minority are seen as a threat to the existing status quo, and are labeled as a "promotion" of some illusory "agenda".

    It's exactly the same way when the black people started fighting for their civil rights. The racist white people called it the "black agenda" then, when they wanted to preserve the status quo - e.g. white = masters, black = slaves. In both instances, these are thinly veiled and intellectually weak accusations to support their own biases, and to keep the existing world order, as it benefits them.

    It follows, then, that when THEY make a statement condemning homosexuality, they feel it is their innate right to do so, given the numbers by which heterosexual supposedly populate the planet. (Strength in numbers, and all that.)

    History has always been replete with clear cut examples of the oppressor wanting to keep the oppressed down. As always, knowledge is the key to our freedom, but only if we have the courage to put actions behind that knowledge.

    Kudos to you for bringing up this question.

  3. You should try asking this in the religious section. that's where all the "opponents" to homosexuality congregate. You might find a single selfloathing homosexual floating about but for the most part you're preaching to the choir here.

  4. Hey babe.

    I'm Hindu!!!!!! sorry...

  5. I'm not as you call it, "an opponent of homosexuality," but here's my theory:

    It's a double standard.  It's their defense so that they can go on an on about their opinions while slandering the defensive opinion to make it seem like a threat, and as a result something that's harmful to hear, as opposed to their "mere" opinions.

    I think both sides feel very strongly that they're right, as a rule, so they probably buy into this theory that was passed to them by someone else.  However, I bet if they actually took time to think about it (as I and many others have of theirs) they might realize that it is not fair or right.  But it's not really in many people's nature to try to sort out the arguments fairly and compare them objectively, I don't think - even me.

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