
Serious question for people who have felt suicidal - see details?

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When you felt suicidal, have you ever felt a weight in your chest, pulling you down?




  1. No, but I heard of that being a symptom of anxiety/panic attacks.

    I have had panic attacks but I don't remember feeling like that.

    My most common anxiety feeling is a choking feeling in my throat. I have also had a racing heart beat and profuse sweating which was apparently anxiety related, but that has only happend to me a few times.

  2. yes, sometimes

  3. I've felt anxious, panicky, sad, and hopeless. That feeling is terrible, but I keep telling myself "this too I shall overcome". Suicide is NOT an option. The feeling to commit the act is really strong at the time, but I guess I have enough common sense to convince myself not to.

  4. I have had pain in my chest when I was super stressed, felt like my arms and legs were made of lead when I was severely depressed. However, there are no specific physical symptoms of feeling suicidal. I have felt mostly just really sad and frustrated over my life when I felt really suicidal. So the chest pain and heaviness are more just general feelings related to depression unless you have some other physical condition going on.

    Sounds like depression, and if you have suicidal thoughts please get help right away!

  5. That feeling happens...I hope you are on medication and getting the help you need. kjl

  6. No but that might br a panic attack. That is what happens sometimes you have a weight on your chest and it is hard to breathe.

  7. I felt heavy, and unwilling to move.

    Mostly it just felt painful in a way that I don't think I can ever describe

  8. yeah definately. I wasn't really suicidle i was just under so much pressure and felt that i couldn't cope anymore, i remember in school when this girl told me to go away i had a tightening in my chest and my throat was tight and sore. not a nice feeling.

  9. Make sure it's not any sort of physical illness first. If your doctor rules that out then yes, I know what you're talking about. There's a heartache and hopelessness that makes it feel like your body is made of lead. It's hard to move around, there's a sick feeling in your stomach, and the sadness or apathy is so overwhelming that it's difficult to get out of bed. You've just got to remember that if you've ever had a good time at any point in your life, it's possible again. You're basically just a bag of chemicals. Do everything you can to manipulate them for the better (exercise, healthy food, plenty of water, and enough sleep). I'm sure you've heard "see a therapist", but it's true. Keep trying new ones until you find the one that you click with who knows what she or he is talking about. More people than you probably realize face this feeling. I'm sorry you're battling this. I know people who have made it through, and I still battle with it myself, so if you ever need to talk or just vent, you can message me.

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