
Serious question for the guys?

by  |  earlier

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Ok this is a serious for mature guys only... Have you ever had you p***s sucked by your woman while you was asleep (she sort of did it to wake you up or whatever), if you have, what was the feeling?

Obviously I have never had that done to me, and my new GF said she's gonna do it to me soon (i dont know exactly when) and i don't wanna have a negative reaction or anything like that... Like i may wake up half way where im still asleep in my head and not realize what shes doing and might push her off without knowing..

So do u guys wake up instantly, do u realize what shes doing.. etc.. explain plz.. all serious and mature answers are appreciate it




  1. I had that happen once. I thought it was a zombie, so I beat it to near death with a baseball bat....

    Good times.

  2. youll wake up

    and even if you do push her, she'll understand

  3. well i have done and honestly your p***s will not grow

    but thats part of the fun trying to make it grow so dont worry about if your girl wants to do dont worry at all

  4. I've had that happen once, and it's kind of hard to be half-asleep when  this happens. This is because the pleasure kind of jolts you to a point that it's kind of like being stung..

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