
Serious question men please answer. ?

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okay so lets say you were dating this girl for like 6 years and you 2 have fallen in love with eachother. And you thought nothing can split you guys apart. You are about to marry this girl. But as the "i do" part comes she stops and says "wait there is something i need to say before we marry. I was born a boy." Would you still marry this girl even though she was born a boy?? SERIOUS ANSWERS my friend is going through this and he has no idea what to do. thanks <3




  1. you ask here why she didn&#039;t tell that to him first and he should marry her steal if he loves her

  2. i dont believe you

  3. Well clearly I&#039;m a girl but I have an opinion on this. :)

    If I were in your friend&#039;s position, I would not leave this person I&#039;ve been with for 6 years for the world. He fell in love with her as a person and the fact that he was born a male shouldn&#039;t matter! That&#039;s not what she is now. She changed because of a personal decision and being a woman brought them together.

    If they have been together 6 years and were ready to make a lifelong commitment to one another, your friend obviously couldn&#039;t tell this person was born a male. She therefore must look like a true female so appearances definitely aren&#039;t a factor.

    What other reason would there be to abandon someone you&#039;ve loved so long?

  4. He should just man up and suck his wife&#039;s c**k.

  5. see nature is after all nature and if he was born a boy and then got the s*x change u will never find the originality what ever cosmatic surgeaons might have done it so its better to avoid this type of relation ship and it is her greatness that she did not hide anything and told the truth before marriage as marriage is for life time relationship so one must be cery careful

  6. Oh my!!! i know you said men only, but please advice your friend NOT to wait to the wedding! If my fiance came out and told me he was born a girl...oh wow...that would kill! But if he did it at my wedding? Ohhh the pain and humiliation! no way would i continue with him. its over.

  7. as much as this post sounds like a joke, its 1:00 and im waitin for mail so i might as well answer.....

    if they were so in love it shouldnt matter, but they have honesty problems if she didnt already tell him that. still, if they really werre so seriously in love, they should just go ahead and get married.

  8. If this guy realyy truely loves this person of corse i think they should be together !! U cant stop love

  9. he was lied to for 6 years......I think that should answer it for you, I mean him *wink wink*

  10. thats scary a bit of a surprise

    with time he might make a decision

  11. no way!   that is one of the rudest things i&#039;ve ever heard.

  12. BananaSandwhich

  13. I would say no, I wouldn&#039;t marry that person.

    And, the only reason I say that is because the entire relationship would have been a lie... from day one

    A relationship built on lies and deceit is like a house built with out a foundation, no matter how good it looks now, it won&#039;t be long before it all comes crashing down

  14. i think if the other person really loved him, they would still marry him

    but that is reallyyyyy sillyyyy

    ahahaah umm WOW

  15. h**l NO, i think most guys might seriously contemplate suicide if they went through that, and if the girl didnt tell, and the guy found out later, then he&#039;d probly definately commit suicide

  16. Well this shouldnt come as a shock BECAUSE he would have known it the second he got in bed with her! (I woulda left her that first night) This is only because im straight.

    But if they are truly in love then it shouldnt matter.

    Also have to wonder what the girl was considering as they were talking about having children. If he wants to have kids then he&#039;ll say no.

  17. im a girl lol but damnn seriously?

    i feel sorry for him !

  18. why would i marry someone that lied to me for 6 years?

  19. Ok, so I&#039;m not a guy. BUT.. If he truly loves her, then it shouldn&#039;t matter. What does matter, is that she lied. That&#039;s a HUGE lie...

  20. your friend should have been up front w/ him in first place. because in any relationship u must be honest w/ each other in order fr it to work. if it was me i&#039;d be asking myself is she hiding anything else?

  21. thats a little wierd but i would still marry her cuz if you couldnt notice before and u didnt care then y shood u then??????????

    but  (she) shoudnt have waited so long

  22. ...omg that&#039;s scary. I&#039;d...i...does &quot;she&quot; parts? lol that would be so could he mistake her...eww  

  23. well...that  you have to ask ur friend..if he loves her...then he should...they should know about each other alot for dating 6 years...he&#039;s not a g*y (ur friend) dont worry...if in his eyes she&#039;s a girl then that&#039;s one can tell what they should decide...if they are worried about getting children then that doesn&#039;t matter coz they could always adopt...adopting is good because alot of young orphanage children need good parents... but really you have to ask ur friend this question...he has to answer this himself...does he love her for who she is?

  24. i would hope that in 6 years, the matter would have been brought up sooner...

    but if s/he looks good and the surgery was successful, then there would be no problem...

  25. O....M....G!!!!.....omg   i would drown myself in a bath of listerine !!! Dam that sucks balls  hahahah git it hehe ewwww  

  26. No, and you don&#039;t wait until the &quot;I do&quot; part to break the news. It&#039;s a breach of trust to have not told the one you love your deepest, darkest secret. Even if it means you may loose him. Your friend must look at the situation, honestly. Can he marry/love someone who was a man? Can he erase this from his mind and move on with a &quot;normal&quot; life? Will it always be in the back of his mind when he is kissing her? Does it turn him off se#ually to know she was a man? This is very hard and heart wrenching. I wish him the best. Good luck.

  27. well after six years u think u would find out whats down there anyways.

    and if it all looks good then why not?

    if the love was true then nothing should b able to seperate the two.

    but if his concience gets to him then not doing it would b the best thing to do.

  28. wow what a waste of 6 years

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