
Serious question need help?

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My girlfriend invited me over because her parents were at a high school reunion. When I rang the door bell she pulled me in really fast. She was naked. I couldn't help it and grabbed her b*****s and then passed out. I woke up on the floor about an hour and half later bleeding (apparently I hit my head when i passed out). When i woke up a bunch of her hot friends were there and they're gonna tell everybody at my school pervert stuff about me. What do I do? Also, is it normal to pass out from a hot girl?




  1. Don't worry about passing out.  I'm sure it's more common than your friends would make you believe.

    As for the s**t, I recommend threatening to call the police if she lies.  You could probably allege rape or, at the very least, sexual assault.

    Engaging in sexual conduct with a corpse is illegal in most states.  Since you were presumably unconscious, anything of a sexual nature that she did to you may have been illegal, whether you would have enjoyed it or not.  Definitely check your state's web site under "legislature" to review the precise verbiage of laws of this nature.

    In a growing number of jurisdictions across the US, f***************d is considered instigation if any violent act ensues.  Just remember: she was naked before you touched her b*****s.

    I say this under the assumption that you cannot possibly be charged with "child molestation" (per se) if she lies.  Many states also have "Romeo and Juliet" laws.  If yours does and she's about the same age, don't worry about it.  Tell the cops.

  2. ooookay

  3. ummm were you tired? do you remember if she maybe put a cloth to your face or were drun k or on any drugs? and this is very wrong especially if its your girlfriend. i can't understand how a girlfriend could do that. you should really consider ending that relationship if you havent already. actually dont consider it DO IT she is stupid for doing that to you and allowing her friends to say that kind of stuff at school.

  4. Next time you have this fantasy don't pass out.

  5. lol nice fantasy life you have. if you knocked yourself out she would have called an ambulance. Especially after an hour and a half

  6. for anyone who reads this, johnny is telling the truth

    i don't know why they dont believe you man see you in class

  7. I'll let you just keep thinking about that little fantasy!

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