
Serious question on the war?

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so i think over the years after al the conspiercy theroies and everything else i have heard, . i have completely forgotten what this war is even for... seriously... what do they declare the war to be in name for?

war on terror?

please slightly elaborate

isnt this thing over yet? saddam dead... whats next...




  1. The War is over.  It was over the day we captured Baghdad and Iraqi citizens were dragging Saddam's statue's head through the streets.  Since then we have been occupying the country until the Iraqi Security Forces are competent enough to defend their nation against threats both foreign and domestic.  With two recent victories over the Mahdi Army real progress is being made.  You have to do your own research to learn this though.  NBC only reports the negative events in Iraq, not the victories.

  2. Bush is a beleiver in the insane "Rapture Prophecies" where the Jews must return to the Holy Land before the Messiah can return. He hopes to hasten Christ's return and is simply being led by the nose by Israel in it's attempts to put the Middle East under it's sinister control. Removing Saddam -considered a threat by Israel, was part of the ridiculous fool's agenda. The so called "War On Terror" is a smokescreen for maintaining the drain of billions of USA taxpayer's dollars for propping up the illegal and lame duck state of Israel until the Prophecy is fulfilled. Part of the Prophecy is that Christ will naturally condemn theJews to h**l for their crimes against humanity but I doubt if that bothers them whilst they have Bush  & the American taxpayer by the b**lls! Whilst the fact that there are no genuine historically verified Jews left today  anyway makes the Prophecies even more ridiculous! All Jews of today are converts called Ashkenazim.

  3. Here are the reasons Congress gave for approving the action:

  4. Bush knew that he needed to be a "war" president so he dreamed up this War on Terror as a way to guarantee his re-election in 2004.

    The country of Iraq was never a terrorist-threat to us, and still isn't.  There were no terrorists IN Iraq until after we invaded/occupied.

    The Iraqi's want us out.

    Bin Laden is still at large, being protected by our "friend and ally" Pakistan.

    The Taliban are taking back control of Afghanistan because we're stuck in Iraq.

    It's not hard to imagine that the GWOT was a pipe-dream of the neoconservatives to push through sweeping Constitutional changes, keep them in power, and enrich themselves and their friends.  All they needed was another "Pearl Harbor", and they got it on 9-11.

  5. The war in Iraq is a theater for the broader war on terror. I don't know if this was initially the agenda or if it was just a consequence of removing the power structure and a mis-managed post-invasion policy. My assumption would be with the latter.

    The war in Iraq is supposed to be a beam of democracy that sheds light on the opportunities and potential of people within Iraq. If you study neo-conservative foreign policy ideals, you come across a term called 'democracy seeding'. It is simply the idea that if you transform a single government in a volatile region to a democracy, other countries throughout the region will realize the benefits that political freedom brings. This is the core belief behind the neo-conservative foreign policy approach with relation to Iraq (which Bush subscribed to). With the surrounding nations (Iran, Syria, Saudi Arabia, Jordan, Palestine, etc...) being in continual political conflict among various factions. The bringing of political representation and a solid government of democracy for the people would help to advance the cause for democracy and America's interests in the region.

    I think the war on terror simply followed the presence of American troops in Iraq. It is more feasible to attack Americans there as opposed to elsewhere. This is why a flood of people came across the border from Saudi Arabia, Iran, Syria to fight in Iraq.

    If you've forgotten why we are fighting against terrorist, you should do your best to remember what happened on Sept. 11, 2001. This is the reason why we are trying to erradicate al-Queda and the like, they will not stop until they have accomplished their goal of a global caliphate.

    Technically, the war in Iraq was over when Saddam offerred little resistance and was toppled. But the war on terror has taken its place and Iraq has now become the central battle ground the terrorists are using to fight the U.S.

    It is simply a matter of providing support for the Iraqi government to be able to defend its people and to provide services for its people. Right now, basic staples like clean water and electricity are scarce in cities like Basra. Thus the new war is against time. We need to help the Iraqi government to be efficient in bringing these services that the people desire. If not, there may be difficulty in maintaining safety and keeping people from resorting to violence and crime. If the basic services can be provided and business and capital can start investing in Iraq, jobs should follow. This is the important part of our mission and Iraqi government mission at this time because in the medium to long run, this is what will drive out the terrorist and ensure long term safety for the people.

  6. This isn't a video game where you go in and kill the boss and everything is happy.  I think a lot of people expected it to be like that.

    The continuation of combat is trying to stabilize the country.  Al Qaeda and other terrorists are loving having a destabilized Iraq and Afghanistan to work in.

    Whether you supported the war in the first place or not, it makes little sense to back out now and leave these people in power.  We'd never be safe again.

  7. War in Afghanistan:


    After the September 11, 2001, attacks on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon, the United States military entered into a war against global terrorism. (more)......


    War in Iraq:


    The following is a full transcript of Bushes address:

    "My fellow citizens, at this hour American and coalition forces are in the early stages of military operations to disarm Iraq, to free its people and to defend the world from grave danger.

    On my orders, coalition forces have begun striking selected targets of military importance to undermine Saddam Hussein's ability to wage war. These are opening stages of what will be a broad and concerted campaign.

    More than 35 countries are giving crucial support, from the use of naval and air bases, to help with intelligence and logistics, to the deployment of combat units. Every nation in this coalition has chosen to bear the duty and share the honor of serving in our common defense.

    To all of the men and women of the United States armed forces now in the Middle East, the peace of a troubled world and the hopes of an oppressed people now depend on you.

    That trust is well placed.

    The enemies you confront will come to know your skill and bravery. The people you liberate will witness the honorable and decent spirit of the American military.

    In this conflict, America faces an enemy who has no regard for conventions of war or rules of morality. Saddam Hussein has placed Iraqi troops and equipment in civilian areas, attempting to use innocent men, women and children as shields for his own military; a final atrocity against his people.

    I want Americans and all the world to know that coalition forces will make every effort to spare innocent civilians from harm. A campaign on the harsh terrain of a nation as large as California could be longer and more difficult than some predict. And helping Iraqis achieve a united, stable and free country will require our sustained commitment.

    We come to Iraq with respect for its citizens, for their great civilization and for the religious faiths they practice. We have no ambition in Iraq, except to remove a threat and restore control of that country to its own people.

    I know that the families of our military are praying that all those who serve will return safely and soon.

    Million of Americans are praying with you for the safety of your loved ones and for the protection of the innocent.

    For your sacrifice, you have the gratitude and respect of the American people and you can know that our forces will be coming home as soon as their work is done.

    Our nation enters this conflict reluctantly, yet our purpose is sure. The people of the United States and our friends and allies will not live at the mercy of an outlaw regime that threatens the peace with weapons of mass murder.

    We will meet that threat now with our Army, Air Force, Navy, Coast Guard and Marines, so that we do not have to meet it later with armies of firefighters and police and doctors on the streets of our cities.

    Now that conflict has come, the only way to limit its duration is to apply decisive force. And I assure you, this will not be a campaign of half measures and we will accept no outcome but victory.

    My fellow citizens, the dangers to our country and the world will be overcome. We will pass through this time of peril and carry on the work of peace. We will defend our freedom. We will bring freedom to others. And we will prevail.

    May God bless our country and all who defend her."


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