
Serious schizophrenia qestion plz help me i am going nuts.?

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i am 15 years old i think first time i tried weed at my late 14s.

than i been smoking like 3-7 times a month.Every thing was fine until i bought some really good weed or either laced.I smoked it like 2 times and it was fine but when i smoked my 3rd time(same bag) i felt crazy i thought i was gonna faint and i had really bad panic attack.

thnan the next day

I felt like i was leaving my body and everything seemed unreal. i researched and i think i had depersanalization it happend like 3 more times.than i was fine but the real trouble start happening when i smoked a cigar (black and mild) with my friend. while i was smoking i was thinking about depersanalization that i had and all of sudden i started feeling lighheaded and like my head was in a fog and everything was unreal since than its been like 4 weeks it never goes away it comes down and than it gets more intense it gets hard to concentrate hard to put a sentence together and my movement seems strange i just dont feel like my self my emotions seem dead but there is thing that i dont get when i dont think about it its not there like iam not aware of it but if i think about it BOOOM i am back in it the second i thought about it.(i think its desearelization) sorry for spelling. ok now the thing about scizophrenia my nightmare!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

first when i started searching about my problems i found schizophrenia

i read the symptoms (the ******* voices the unreality and all that!!!!!!)

since than i keep self diagnosing my self i keep trying to believe that i hear voices and that i am schizo!!!!!!!!!!!!

ok lol there is another problem i have sinus infection!!!

my parents keep telling me that all my problems are becaus of it

and i have a bumb on my right side next to my nose and its dried out mucus its pretty big(gross)

one of them came out from my left side its like 1cm lomg and half of cm wide its kinda gray and its kinda hard inside but like jelly on outside also it had a dark space on it it was gros.

but i think the same thing is on my right side of nose.

so the problem is

i cant snap out of this unreal detached feeling it comes down but that it gets more intense

i keep self diagnosing my self wit shizo and believing tht i hear voices

my thoughts are messed up sometimes i get strange thoughts like for instance i was looking for new game realeases on a website an all of sudden the feeling comes in like no u dont like video games(but its not a voice) u dont enjoy video games but it goes away in about 20 secs.

plz help me i just want to live normal live its a horro when u wake up in the morning and the first thing u think about is how u feel do i feel better i keep checking in than this feeling keeps rising and risiing!!!

its hard to talk and put the words together my emotins are dead and some times i feel pressure in my head

also non of my parents had ny mental illness so its not genetic

the main fear is schizo i can even smell that horrible illnes because its always on my mind

plz help is there some natural ways to snap out of this dream world and get back to reality plz help!!!

thanks alot




  1. hey,... i think you need professional help,.. maybe try visiting psychological experts and doctors they could help you better!

  2. yeah you really needed to stop it with the drugs. it is all the drugs and stuff doing this to you. so stay away from them and you should be fine.

  3. Dissociation is related to anxiety and the more anxious about it you are, the worse it will be.  So stop stressing on it.  I've had dissociation.  I've had sinus infections.  Almost all of your symptoms *are* consistent with sinus infection, including the dissociation and derealization that you described.  I don't think this is your parents blowing you off.  I'm not saying that you haven't had some dissociation, but I do think your sinus infection has a lot to do with how you feel.  As for schizophrenia, nothing you described comes close to it's symptoms.  The disorder also does not have a smell, but ya know, sinus infections mess with your sense of smell.

    Stay off the drugs.  The bad trip probably did kick off something that melded with your infection.  Now you have an idea what drugs can do on a permanant basis.  If a month or two after you sinus infection is gone you are still having problems, then see a psychologist or a psychiatrist.  Until then, sit tight and relax about it.

  4. What you are suffering from is not schizophrenia.  Drugs like marijuana are quite strong and don't affect everyone in the same way.

    Depersonalization and paranoia are both common side effects of smoking marijuana.  I know from first hand experience, and I would advise a young person like yourself to stop smoking weed.  I haven't smoked weed in over 8 years, and I've felt much better since I stopped.

    Good luck.  

  5. ditch the drugs and its effects will wear off after a while. if u dont it could be fatal. watched a documentary where the guy eneded up commiting suicide becasue his head was all messed up.

  6. Jesus. It's not that hard to figure out.

    It's the drugs that are doing this to you. Whether you stopped or not, something inside them isn't agreeing with your system. A good thing to do would be to avoid smoking ANYTHING again for a very long time, just to see if that helps.

    If it doesn't help, then I advise going in to see someone to talk to. There could be a chance that something isn't right upstairs if you can go a year or so without drugs and you still feel this way.

  7. well i am glad you stopped. look, when you go looking for video games and hear those voices, tell yourself what you want to do, out loud if you need to. make a list when you are in your room you need to sit down and write down the things that you like and date it . get to know yourself, what you really like and what you don't . track how those "voices" control you, you don't seem schizo. talk to your parents, they need to take you to get help. my mom is bipolar. she hears voices too, she is well now and taking treatment, before she would tell me that she was mad at everyone. and wanted to die. and she heard voices. now she tells us this but she said it started with a big spin inside her head, everything went in circles, and she saw unclear and blurry, but she was not doing drugs. maybe you hit yourself on the head or fell down or some one hit while you were high? you need to tell your parents. unless you get medical help nothing can really diagnose it and treat it. you can become worse and worse since you have been having it more frecuently. she takes pills but lives a perfectly healthy life. tell your mom.

    mom we need to talk, i have a big problem and i don't know what to do about it. i need your help. and hug her so she knows you mean it and you really do want her support.

    (often times parents think the kids are just being dramatic- and they neglect to help their kids when they really need them the most , that is why kids grow up to be how they are now a days. not that you are but you could be if you don't get attention from them when you need it.) anyways back to your mom and you.

    tell her about your situation, it might feel awkward at first but what do you have to lose? not telling them would be worse because you can only be worse to admit what is happening when it does get worse and then what? you won' t want to talk, or do anything, i don't know if  you have a religion, but pray to god you get better, tell him specifically that you need deliverance from these deamons attacking you mentally. deamons come in all kinds of ways. my mom had to be prayed over and exorcised. no joke. we had to keep at it because medication itself did not work. be patient and pray. always pray. you have got nothing to lose when you take the initiative to fix this. i give you props for asking for help. and i am glad to sort of help you out as kindly and honesltly as i can. god bless you. oh one more thing,. when you hear those voices shut them up by telling them to be quiet. you are your own person, only you know if you like video games or not. why else would you be there. right? don't let them control you. the best thing to do is not be by yourself much, stay active, join a club, or sports, or just stay in a room where there is people talking or the radio and tv, but no horror movies, they trigger your nervous system and it would not be a possitive answer . it is the last thing you need. trust me. you are already to scared to have anything schizo so don't risk worsening., serial killers love to be exposed to stuff like that in the movies, so don't volunteer to see murder, and frightening things. they are mentally ill themselves but never seek help and they end up killing as a result. think and stay focused. stay busy...

  8. Good,don't smoke any more whatever you do.Weed can do this to some people,I think you have to wait for it to come fully out of your system.If the symptoms don't improve after a couple of weeks,see your doctor,and get your nose sorted out to.

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