ya, ive been jacked up on speed for the past week and i thought i was just gonna beat off right quick but i stayed in the same spot for 28 hours beating it like i was holding a jackhammer.the s***n at the end culd have filled about 8 tablespoons and simitaniously the s***n stopped and pee jus started coming out and it wont stop .now every time i goto pee or contract my p***s it feels like the tube my sperm goes through knots up,it goes from about mid-p***s and travels up almost into my butt and i can feel it EVERYWHERE inbetween including testicles, it is the most painful experience ive ever known. my question: wtf? and shuld i kill myself?and help me?
and also i rubbed my pubes into the skin at the base of my p***s fast enough and long enough for the pubes to cut into my skin and its like a warm rash and moist i guess from puss,it itches super crazy, wat can i do for this? wuld vasaline and ventalation help.dnt kno if anyone's ever delt with anything like this but im kinda worried about how it will affect it later on, and wat i can do to help heal it if possible