
Serious unnatural internal p***s and ball problems,28 hours masturbation?

by Guest64981  |  earlier

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ya, ive been jacked up on speed for the past week and i thought i was just gonna beat off right quick but i stayed in the same spot for 28 hours beating it like i was holding a jackhammer.the s***n at the end culd have filled about 8 tablespoons and simitaniously the s***n stopped and pee jus started coming out and it wont stop .now every time i goto pee or contract my p***s it feels like the tube my sperm goes through knots up,it goes from about mid-p***s and travels up almost into my butt and i can feel it EVERYWHERE inbetween including testicles, it is the most painful experience ive ever known. my question: wtf? and shuld i kill myself?and help me?

and also i rubbed my pubes into the skin at the base of my p***s fast enough and long enough for the pubes to cut into my skin and its like a warm rash and moist i guess from puss,it itches super crazy, wat can i do for this? wuld vasaline and ventalation help.dnt kno if anyone's ever delt with anything like this but im kinda worried about how it will affect it later on, and wat i can do to help heal it if possible




  1. You spent too long typing this. And poorly I might add.

  2. wow! u dont have blisters yet?! lol!

  3. Since you were masturbating for 28 hours and ejaculated so much, the contractions of the o****m probably have your urethra tired and sore, thus causing the knotting up feeling in the genital area. You should definitely see a doctor about this and no, don't kill yourself. If you don't want to see a doctor, don't m********e for a while and just relax your body when urinating. Dab it dry so you don't have to contract to allow access urine to flow. As for the pubic hair problem, your hairs scratched it and possibly set an infection. Dab Hydrogen Peroxide on the wounded area and put a good bit of vaseline on. Yes, definetely let venitlation go to the area. But you should see a doctor about both problems, though I'm sure you'll be fine. I wouldn't advise getting high at all, but if you must, don't get so that you damage your body like this. Hope this helps.

  4. Wow dude, that sounds very serious, you have to get to a hospital IMMEDIATELY  

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