
Serious worry for my girlfriend. Whats the law?

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Hello i am Oliver (15 year old, UK .) My girlfriend ( 14 years old ) recently went to Egypt. Once there she and her family went to get scuba diving masks fitted. At the scuba diving store my girlfriend got her scuba mask fitted by an Egyptian man (20 years old), she told me that whilst doing so the Egyptian man rubbed his p***s against her body ( neither bare .) I was personally extremely shocked and terribly enraged, disgusted and upset when i found this out.

I wanted to know what the punishment for sexual offences ,such as this case, is in Egypt? (And especially to a girl so young from an adult man.)

Also i read on the BBC website and Wikipedia that the amount of sexual offences caused by men in Egypt has suddenly had rapid rise.

I do not at all want to generalise any nation in any way at all but also on trips to foreign countries recently: - Cyprus, Turkey, Greece. I have seemed to detect a major difference in the treatment of women. For example: - disgustingly slimey behaviour from men and a very superficial/sexual view of women. Can anyone give me any clues as to why this is?

But please focus on the main question of my girlfriend. I think girls views on this could be slightly more beneficial in this case, but please everyone feel free to post as many helpful answers and as much advice.





  1. For one, each Country/ Cultural is different in regards to how they treat women, animals, etc.

    When you say the guy "rubbed" his p***s against her, Was this on purpose?  I would have to say that if she was getting fitted for a mask, he would have to be pretty close to her.  For example.  When I get my hair cut, at times, the lady's (who is cutting my hair) breast "rubs" against my shoulder.  Is this a sexual offense?  No!!!

    I think your girlfriend is overreacting!  Another example.  When you get fitted for a suit and the guy has to measure you every where and my accidental touch in unwanted that a sexual offense?


    Not to sound like a jackass, but how do YOU know it was on purpose?  Were you present when it happend ~ No.  Therefore, YOU are only getting hearsay from your girlfriend that it was on purpose.  What is her reason(s) that make her believe that it was on purpose?

  2. nothing, Sorry to say but she was a foreigner, and he is a muslim man. They won't do a thing but make problems for her and her family if you get too loud about it. This isn't a western Country, she is viewed as having "no rights".

  3. I would guess that by the law on the books it is a serious offence, but probably very hard to get police  or prosecutors to nail him on it, even if she complained that day.  Probably get swept under the rug.  Virtually impossible to get any action now.  She should talk to as many people as she needs to, though - you, her family, a school counselor.  Should not feel the need to keep it "hidden".   Any 14 year old would have a mix of feelings and reactions - some she won't consciously be aware of. Many victims have an irrational guilt...did they do something to cause it, is it their fault?  OF COURSE NOT, but rational answer often inadequate in these cases.

    And the countries you mention have predominant, strong patriarchal societies that gain social power by restricting sexual activity, sexual access.  Women are controlled, their sexual power feared and vilified.   Sexuality is either "virgin or w***e."  Good girls are restricted to marriage of families' choice (not to most young men), and other women are treated as whores.  

    Good luck to both of you!

  4. go kick his a.s.s

  5. Tell her to ring the police and report the dirty bas tard , rubbing himself on a 14 year old girl, sorry if this offends you but she is still a child. Report the pervert, get his kn ob cut off  

  6. Oh!!  I also heard that the majority of women in Egypt, either locals or tourists, are being sexually assaulted by men.  Apparently there are no anti-sexual harrassment laws in place in Egypt, so I don't know if there's anything you can do...  

  7. Probably not a law against that, he could deny it and say it never happened.  Your girlfriend needs to inform her parents immediately when something like this happens and they can handle it by confronting him/management.  She also should speak up for herself and learn to be very loud about invasive treatment like that--she could have shouted--Stop rubbing yourself against me, you pervert!--that would have stopped him in his tracks and got him the negative attention he deserved!

  8. every one thinks the other guy is more gross for his sexual behavior then the local guy.

    heck here in the us, we hear bizarre stuff from you guys, and I am sure you hear it from us.

    In japan, girls and women on trains are subject to the same behavior your gf experienced regularly - so much so that some trains have women-only cars.

    unlikely in any country, the behavior is changing, only that the political will to pay attention instead of ignore, for whatever reason, has changed.

    after all, we all evolved together for many millions of years before any of our individual cultures arose in the last few thousand years at least. we are all the same biologically, the only difference is cultural.

    and the other culture, by virtue of our indoctrination to see the world as us-vs.-them, always can be presented as "slimier" when it is convenient to demonize them.

    on the other hand, lots of us love to learn and appreciate various cultures, and take pleasure in the sexual opportunities that might arise.

    so I am most concerned about your demonization, when I bet the same thing will happen to your gf eventually much closer to home, then the fact that it occurred at all.

    and I would also be concerned not so much that it happened once on vacation, but what your gf is doing to keep herself from being a victim again. I am not saying it is her fault, but if someone wants to go looking for a victim, there ARE certain behaviors and body languages to look for in finding a "good" one.

  9. Egyption men were recently in the paper for demoralizing tourists and women especially-not sure what you can do but they obviously havent evolved from Neanderthalism nor do much for the image of their country

  10. For rubbing up against a customer while you are fitting a scuba mask? That's not a crime in Egypt.

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