I know, you still are blind and believe in bush. Even though he funnels American tax dollars out of the country under the guise of some grand war on terror.
However let us look at Bush or to the future of BushCaine. If Fiscal responsibility is your "ace" then why is it Nixon, Reagan, Bush and Bush just couldn't/can't get the budget under control?
Oh I know those "shady democrats" we are are going to tax and spend and tax again. Funny thing is I prefer American tax dollars STAYING in America rather than going to Iraq )or it's oil affiliates).
Any way why would you prefer to spend and spend and spend under the Republican banner and worse send the money elsewhere rather than here?
I forgot- I'd rather invest that money in America. Public roads, national and state parks and monuments, our heritage, bridges. etc.
But if you republicans prefer to keep wasting money on Iraq, Afghanistan, etc. and conquer them. Then move there. If you can't stand America so much that you send our tax dollars there, then by all means conquer and move away. Seems like the plan huh?